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Just putting it out there, not this coming week but the week after I am going ferreting mon-wednesday

if anyone is in the mood to join me and have an action packed (or stand about smoking with a take away coffee) type morning PM me and I'll give you a ride from my place.

I can only fit 2 people in the car with me so I'm limited. Also dogs are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED I will be on other peoples property and around some VERY vaulable livestock.

You also have to not be averse to seeing a bunny or two dying :p You can keep a few for your dogs too if you like.

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I've been ferreting years ago with my best friend and her Dad, it was really interesting! His ferret was amazing and it was a good way for them to control the rabbit population on their property, and the dogs used to love fresh bunny :p

They would occasionally have to dig Mr Ferret out though :grouphug:

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Guest Pandii

2 weeks schoolm holidays and I would of come down, but first week back at school and you decide to go bah humbug LOL

Wish I could go me and the kids dont mind seeing a bunnie die and the dogs love them nom nom nom

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2 weeks schoolm holidays and I would of come down, but first week back at school and you decide to go bah humbug LOL

Wish I could go me and the kids dont mind seeing a bunnie die and the dogs love them nom nom nom

Oh well too bad for you that you are going to be missing out on seeing death take place before your eyes, darn! :)

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dunwarren if you would like me to clean you a couple for human consumption I sell them for $8 each. Nice big ones too, I'm doing females only for food as all the males are stinky lately. I can freeze it and when you have time pop down. Or I could come up there to ferret if you know a property :crossfingers: I dont mind some travelling and I'll give you the bunnies gutted fresh on the

haylzz if you know any properties with rabbits I'm happy to come up there and ferret. Provision is that no one has used pindone/1080 in the last 6 months otherwise I WONT be happy if one of my ferrets is poisoned.

*some photos to tempt people*




everyone say *nawwwwwwwwwwwwwww*

ETA It's a part of life Moselle. I know Pandii and I wouldnt be grumping at her she's a great mother. I would have earlier Pandii but I have been swimming in uni work and had a bad back so I couldnt go running after Satans furry children :)

Edited by Nekhbet
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I couldn't do it but agree that if the bunnies are caught and killed as cleanly as possible, then it is a good thing as they cause our land so much devastation.

Dumb question (not being a ferret person) .... how do you stop your ferrets running away?

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how do you stop your ferrets running away

warrens are self contained units, even along a massive fenceline there will be separations between clusters of holes so they can't get too far. The ferrets are so driven by the smell of the rabbit they stay down the hole and keep running about until the smell subsides (ie their own scent and urine covers it, they scent mark as they run about) and then when it's over they womble out of the holes and snuffle around. They do get a prey reward, when they come when called I offer them a dead rabbit to latch onto. We do a lot of the recall work at home, you call them and when they come back you give them a big scrub-a-dub and some some raw food, same goes when you feed them, condition them to the noise.

Pretty much the same as training a really high driven working line dog. Except when it's over they're happy to just shut down until the next scent patch gets them going. Plus the great thing .... ferrets eye sight is pretty bad, they're short sighted creatures so they want to follow their nose down the hole more then spotting something halfway across the paddock and bounding after it :) As long as you have some fresh food or at least some blood stain on your shoe you can lure them

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Guess I am a bad mum for hunting a feral pest and killing it humanly for food, shame on me

Presumably Moselle & her dogs are vegan? Since I've worked on several farms (sheep, beef, dairy) and visited hundreds more, and can tell you that most hunted meat is at least as humane as any animal product you'll buy at the supermarket.

If only I lived closer! My girl would love to try rabbit.

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My Whippet book says to leave all dogs at home if you are serious - rabbits can sense the dogs and go even deeper.

Anyone who thinks killing a rabbit driven out of its warren by a ferret is cruel has clearly never seen a rabbit suffering from myxo. :laugh::

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good dogs know to hang back PF. And a good ferret knows when to give a rabbit a hard chomp on the arse to make it bolt :laugh: properties that have low predation and if you go the right hours of the day the rabbits have no problems shooting out of the hole like a bat out of hell. And when they hit you in the leg it hurts ... A LOT

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Would love to see how its done ... I have 3 ferrets but they've never seen a rabbit in their lives! Is it possible to train older ferrets, I'm wondering if its more an instinctual thing? I've just introduced raw rabbit too them and they love it so I'm getting them a bit closer haha...I should work on training recall but they tend to just ignore me and keep sniffing when I take them out on the lead :laugh:

IMO this kind of hunting is very humane, my dad often goes out shooting feral animals at his cousins farm and absolutely nothing is wasted...they normally use dogs and it was amazing watching them work.

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