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Ok.. So She's Starting To 'hide' Things


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So last night I noticed Tahli has been starting to hide her food. :(

Firstly, the sheeps ear she tucked in between the lounge cushions and then pretending to cover it up with dirt ? I think so I'm not sure we just had this weird look on our faces trying to work out what she was doing. Then in the study I have a suitcase against the wall, she had hid a half eaten one from the day before behind it so she got that out and moved it again behind the door.

This is just bizarre, I never noticed these things before but at the same time it's just so funny to watch. She isn't aggressive with food or anything at all I'm just assuming this is normal? :grouphug:

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It is but it will soon stink your house up :(

my rottie still does it at 3. I have him a rawhide chew and to hide it from the others he pushed it under the TV unit and pushed the "dirt" over the gap with his nose ... ie he kept scraping the carpet until he was satisfied :grouphug:

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Charlie and Emmy does this too... poor Emmy, she usually forgets where she hides her things though and needs helps to find it.

Nekhbet... Charlie is the same. Digs on carpet and apparently a tiny torn piece of tissue is going to cover a pig eat that's as big as his head :grouphug:

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It is an instinct as old as dogs/wolves.

It is an instinct to cache food.

it is an instinct embedded to save a canine's life- when hunting for food, there are times when no food can be either killed or found- like Winters/droughts..or when a hunter is ill.

Having food cached nearby could mean the difference between life and death.

Modern dogs in our sanitised and dirtless homes have to make do with pre-packaged foods and sofa cushions- but the instinct is still there.

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Yes the "dirt" movement part of it is the funny part. I have noticed at times she forgets where she's put it. Hoping theres no chicken wing or something somewhere to be found later :p

I haven't noticed her do it much outside though.

Very interesting though, never saw my other pups do it thats why was curious

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it does come down to primal instincts to hide food. Problem is our dogs and their environment are modified so you end up with a modified version of the behaviour. My dog was on the street for a while so his primal food guarding and hiding instincts are VERY strong compared to most dogs. He buries stuff all over the yard even if he's starving, then will try and guard the spot at times. At least his compulsive digging/burying is pretty much under control now.

I used to have a 3 legged cat that would bury his poo in the litter tray with the missing leg, he did the action just wondered why poo never ended up buried :p. He was born without it so had the shoulder blade. Also used to try and swat the dogs with missing leg, they just walked off confused :grouphug:

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Genevieve hides carrot sticks in the back yard... they get revived about a week after they were issued. I have found lamb ears in bizarre places... like the back of my car??? :)

And she will dig anything... dirt, pavement, carpet, sheets, cork floors, piles of washing... She buried my croc slipper in the front garden at one stage... Not sure what occasion she was saving that for!

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I would say if your dog is hiding food then its' not hungry and is saving it for later. Try cutting your dogs food back to allow for the treats?

Edited by sas
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