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Really Tough Chew Toys


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Hi guys,

Have any of you got any experience with really heavy chewers and bought toys that have survived for ages? I'm getting a Vallhund pup soon and a breeder advises me that they have the teeth of a GSD and not afraid to use them :) I assume that would mean that they're pretty aggressive chewers.

I already bought a Cuz ball which is apparently really tough, but I was thinking maybe something soft this time. I wanted to buy him a plushie of some sort but I mean.. come on, plushies, most of them aren't really advertised as really resilient and I don't want to have to go through a million of them in a month ;)


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The toughest "soft" toy you will probably get are Tuffies. The Mega Ring has lasted here for a few years now, but Riley's only a medium chewer.

When Riley was a puppy he had several soft toys. He ripped them all apart except for one bear. That bear stayed in tact for years until It got so dirty and horrid that I chucked it out. I used to get them from the salvos stores.

He's 9 now and he still picks and chooses which soft toys will get ripped up and which survive :)

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