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Miley Has A Lump


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I was rubbing Mileys belly tonight and noticed a hard (bone like) lump where the sternum would be in a human. I couldn't find one on Ollie, so am wondering if it's a normal part of the CKC skeletal system.

Could someone with a cavalier please feel for a lump the size of say a walnut above the stomach in the center below the rib cage?

It could be normal and I don't want to go to the vet and feel like a twat if it is :)


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Wow an extra rib!!! He's special :)

Feels a bit weird. It's shorter than the other ribs.

I'm really glad they found it and showed me on xray before I took some weight off the boy and was able to feel it because I would have high tailed it to the vet in a panic.

You couldn't feel it when he was a bit porky.

Yeah he is special :crossfingers:

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