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A Surprise On Our Walk Today

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On our walk this afternoon the dogs (Saxon and our house guest Laila) became very interested in a drain at the side of the path we were on. I let them have a quick sniff, then realised that they were sniffing at a dead chicken (which was not in one piece, ewww). I went to pull them away, then noticed this peering out of the drain:


There seemed to be four of them living in the drain. I didn't know what they were at first, thought maybe kittens or baby possums, then when i saw them properly I thought maybe foxes, which they turned out to be (confirmed by google search).

Their mum was obviously bringing them food - as well as the chicken, there was a dismembered rabbit nearby (a feral one, not a pet).

I suppose I should report them, given that they are pest animals. I suppose they would be killed :laugh: The chicken obviously came from someone's house though and I don't want people losing their chickens or other pets. And they'll be a threat to native animals too I guess...

I don't want them to die though, they were soooo cute! They looked like a cross between a puppy and a kitten, and were so little. While I was watching one of them stood on another one, who got cranky and they rolled around and had a little baby fight, squeaking at each other :thumbsup: . I wanted to bring them home with me - don't worry, I didn't and won't!

So what should I do, report them or leave them be?

PS this is in a suburb in the middle of Canberra, not in the country or bush.

Edited by Saxonpup
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Sigh.... I know. I am thinking of them as the cute little fluff balls they are now, not as the adult pests they will soon be.

Baby animals are a bit of a novelty for me, having always in lived in cities. I really didn't know what they were, they were not what I was expecting to see in a drain I walk past all the time, I was fascinated!

Funnily enough, neither dog was the slightest bit interested in the babies, or really in eating the chicken or the rabbit, just in sniffing :thumbsup:

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I love foxes, but then i grew up in fox hunting county in the uk, beautiful looking creatures.

However i had friends who hunted them, who were farmers, and i realise they do cause havoc.

I would report them too.

We have one here often see it on my lawn, my dally met it once and wanted to play with it :)

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  persephone said:
:) report them. I like foxes, a lot, as animals, but they have no place in Australia, and even less in a city .

It's sad isn't it??? I like them too....I grew up in the UK where althoguh they are seen as a pest over there, not to the same extent as here. It's shame that lives have to be taken when it's not their fault. But yes, they are a problem here.

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A wildlife carer who is nurse at a local vets is currently handrearing a tiny fox cub that somebodies dog has found . It was only a few days old and she is raising him with other animals ..........what are the chances of him being able to be a pet fox :grouphug:

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  Loopy Lola said:
A wildlife carer who is nurse at a local vets is currently handrearing a tiny fox cub that somebodies dog has found . It was only a few days old and she is raising him with other animals ..........what are the chances of him being able to be a pet fox :grouphug:

You are able to keep them as pets but with ALOT of trouble from what I remember (when I was young I was determined I want one looked stuff up on the net and books etc) They (from memory) make good pets much the same as a cat, but you have to have a fully contained run for them as they will get out of any yard or unroofed pen and cause all sorts of mischeif. I hate what they do to other animals, but they did not choose to be what they are and they really are quite fun to watch, there was a pair of young ones across from my nans old place (well every breeding season there was a new set) and they would frolick and play just like puppies/kittens. An EX partner once caught on in a possum trap it was only just out of the den and about the same size of the ones in this pic.... it was feral :( hiss and screamed and bit.... his big boofa staffy, bully, heeler back tracked away from it :(

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Thanks for the replies everyone.

From everything I can find, foxes are covered under the Verterbrate Pests Act (or someting like that) in NSW and ACT, and probably everywhere else in Aus. They aren't allowed to be kept as pets and there are no sanctuaries or rescues (publicised anyway)... I do understand why, they are a threat to native animals and people's pets :laugh:

I called on Friday, but went past today and the babies are still there in the drain. No sign of mum, and no fresh food. They really are cute and I'm worried about them, but I know I can't take them in ;)

It's a public holiday tomorrow so can't do anything, but I will go past on Tuesday and if they are still there call again.

Poor little things, I do feel sorry for them as it's clearly not their fault that they were born in a country they should never have been brought to, and if their mum has left them they are just totally defenceless :p

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Foxes are massive pests, and if you saw the damage they cause to livestock, particularly lambs and chickens you wouldn't think them so cute anymore. Unlike a lot of predators, foxes don't kill just for necessity/food, they kill for the sheer pleasure of it. I went to a wildlife place on Thursday, the lady who runs it had a fox get into her chicken pen overnight. FORTY chickens dead plus many many injured.

  Willow said:
  persephone said:
:p report them. I like foxes, a lot, as animals, but they have no place in Australia, and even less in a city .

It's sad isn't it??? I like them too....I grew up in the UK where althoguh they are seen as a pest over there, not to the same extent as here. It's shame that lives have to be taken when it's not their fault. But yes, they are a problem here.

Probably because they're native there.

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