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October Photo Challenge - All Welcome


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Good luck with the bubblegum one today. Will you share?

So this afternoon I discovered two things:

(1) My bubblegum model can't blow bubbles.

(2) Cheap incense smells like burning twigs, so now my house smells like a campsite.


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Ok, I am completely over incense. Blerk.


- Getting a good amount of smoke

- Getting it visible (for the rocket, I had a black back drop with white stars, but the smoke was pretty much invisible against it)

- Getting the smoke in focus

- Getting enough light (I had to bump up the ISO which has made my images noisy)

So here are my finalists:



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  Kirislin said:
I'm pretty sure you dont have to use incense, it was just to give smoke. Maybe you can devise your own way of making smoke, just dont burn the house down.

I wanted to get a friend with a cigarette but never got round to it.

I should have had my camera with me yesterday, there was loads of smoke from a fire where I was :rofl:

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I read on the Flickr page that it must be incense (an email someone got from Canon), but I guess if they can't see it, they wouldn't know. Incense has a very distinct type of smoke though. I'm going to try tonight with a long exposure.

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  Ashanali said:
I know most people will be working on photo 5 entries this month, so the challenge is inspired by Canon Photo 5

Don't post the images you're actually entering (unless you want to), however you may want to post shots that haven't worked for whatever reason and maybe talk about why you think they haven't worked and what you would like to improve.

For those who don't have a photo 5 box, you can check out the briefs here


and for those who want to check out some of the work from last year, there is a little video at this link:


(if you pause it at 1.01, you see a flash of our very own BlackLabrador wrapped up in bandages. :vomit: )

Photo 5 is fun even if you don't enter. So get creative and enjoy the month.

Hi, I was checking the photo 5, can the confetti be replaced by flower petals?

Cheers :offtopic:

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I totally love your smoke ideas huga, really creative :D

okay, I was really struggling, almost gave up on the whole deal, but decided since I'd put some effort into a couple of them, that I may as well enter them 'eh? oh well

this is my macro droplet shot entitled "Dally DNA"


oh, and I've just uploaded this one too :)

the bubble-gum portrait I titled: "Bubblegum kisses"



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Those are awesome CM - LOOOOOOOVE the second one!!

3 briefs down, 2 to go!

I had a lucky break today. Yet again, one of my ideas went to hell and couldn't be done so I just wasn't going to enter but then something awesome happened and I got some great shots that I'm happy with.

Just need to shoot the up close and incense shots and I'm doneskies!

Edited by ~*Shell*~
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now, i need help choosing between these 2 photos for bubblegum. i'm leaning towards this first one, as it was the one that whilst still on the camera i thought was a better shot


but this one, i thought was more original after i got them off the camera


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and now for some of the outtakes, all of these were early on in the shoot, took us about 60 photo's to get the hang of it (both photographer and model lol)

this was the first photo, after we realised how difficult blowing bubbles was now that we were adults


and now some of the hilarious facial expression that she was pulling without realising, every couple of photo's i'd have to stop coz i was pissing myself laughing at her, and then she would too after looking at them




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I like the first one carebear! It's wrong but the second one reminds me of a condom :D I really like your eyedropper shot!!

Okay - here's my uploaded eye dropper shot (i wanted to do something different :cheer:):


And my bubblegum shot:


I'm still playing with the final editing on the last 3 but here's an outtake from my confetti shoot (and yes, that's terranik's Ahsoka):


Edited by ~*Shell*~
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