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Hi. I'm new here and joined to get some advice on poodles. no not mine I have a boxer and a staffy but my neighbour has 2 miniature poodles and they bark ALL day. When it gets to be too much I go over there and visit them and have offered to walk them with my 2 when school starts. the problem is I work nights and they JUST DON'T SHUTUP!!!!!! Have told the owner but he's at work all day. Any help??

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You say you told the owner - did he have anything positive to say? Poodles are an intelligent breed with a very low boredom threshold, so they would be barking out of sheer boredom, I would say.

My advice would be to speak to the owner again and, if nothing is done, then talk to your Council & get THEM to speak to the owner.

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You say you told the owner - did he have anything positive to say? Poodles are an intelligent breed with a very low boredom threshold, so they would be barking out of sheer boredom, I would say.

My advice would be to speak to the owner again and, if nothing is done, then talk to your Council & get THEM to speak to the owner.

I was hoping that they would get quieter as they got used to their new home(moved in a week ago) but I think its getting worse :) Poor little things they just want some attention.

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I think may be give them the benefit of the doubt...if they only moved in a week ago.

If still a problem in 2 weeks i would probably go and see the owners and if get no where there, talk to the council.

I think it is always better to see the owners and i know myself if I got a letter from the council and only just moved to a new house a week ago and the neighbour had not seen me i would be upset.

Moving is a crazy time, hopefully in the next few weeks things should settle down and the dogs stop barking.

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This is what happened to us. We move into our new house, new area, and Stella didnt settle as quickly as we hoped. She had plenty to do for the first week, had the garage to use at her leisure, and her bed and blankets and a couple of old shirts that we wore to bed for her. But, we found out a week later, she still barked all day. We had been here two weeks, and a council rep was on our doorstep, issuing a noise complaint. Thanks new neighbours, we feel so welcome.

The next week she had a soft muzzle on, then a citronella collar, plus extra training. Haven't heard anything since.

BUT, it made us feel really bad. Our dog has everything she could ever want and need, plus extra love. I was so worried that they would think we were bad owners, that I still (two years later) cannot really approach any of our neighbours as I dont know who made the complaint.

Please give them some more time to sort them out. I only wish they had knocked on our door, rather than getting the council to.

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bad start crazydoglady and yeah, i'd feel the same as you if i were in your boots...

fsweet, give your neighbours a bit more time but moreso, offer them some more help if their dogs haven't settled within the next week or so --- moving is considered one of the most stressful periods in a human's life, so i can only imagine what it might be like for a dog :)

would your two welcome play dates? just asking!

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Stop visiting the dogs ,you are adding to the unwanted behavior & rewarding there barking plus to be honest i would be very annoyed if my neighbours where visiting my dogs without my permission or knowledge

Do they bark all day non stop because after a week of doing it i am surprised they still have voices ??

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I know the councils will 'probably' do something I was told I had to record for a week what times and how long it barked for but it has to be excessive barking(I'm talking 2 or more hours straight).

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Firstly, comisserations to you, I hope it doesn't go on for too long, and that your neighbours do make the effort.

It's probably going to take a few weeks for the new dogs to settle in, keep the communication open with your new neighbour, the dogs are sounding a bit stressed by their move, as no doubt you are stressed by the noise.

When I moved house it took at least 2 weeks for the neighbours Beagle to stop barking, my dogs were fine with the move, and weren't really barkers (reverse of your situation). I was in tears with the constant noise. The neighbours on the other side had ChiX and a Foxie that joined in too. It all bounced nicely off the colourbond fences. After the first 2 weeks the dogs got used to us and our comings and goings, the barking subsided but never really stopped, but was manageable. I did arrange a meet and greet for the dogs on our front lawn so they could do the sniffing thing, that seemed to help a bit and I did resort to water bottles when the little dogs got half way under our fence to bark at us more directly, I also did try and reward the beagle any time it didn't bark at me when I was near the shared fenceline (it was easy because he stuck his head under the fence too!). Apparantly the people before us had a noisy dog, so I guess all the others were wanting was to get their usual response from it.

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