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Wow! Look At This Dog


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The RSPCA may say it is cruel, not in the animals best interests, the dog is not enjoying it, how is the dog affected mentally ? were methods used to train humane & approved ?

:love: Dance while you can doggie :eek:


That is the irony Christina but unfortunately probably quite true. :rofl:

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Maybe if they hadn't put the silly dress on it.. I dunno, I guess I found that a little creepy.

If it hadn't have been wearing a dress, I don't think I'd have had an issue with it and even then, it's not so much the clothing (my dogs wear pajamas and have dressing gowns, after all) but.. I'm not sure, I can't really put my finger on it, just.. no.

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Its too humanised for me.

I'm kind of twitchy about animals being animals. Dogs on their hind legs in dresses is too "circus" for me.

The dog looked to be OK with it though.

I'm glad others are thinking like me. I felt a bit like the fun police. Sorry, Midniara.

That's not to say someone else who likes it are wrong so I'm not having a go Midniara :love:. It's just not my cup of tea.

Edited by Erny
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it made me smile cos i love salsa and this dance the meringue ( meh-ren-geh) is really fun to dance


it is kinda a sexy dance and that is a bit creepy..it has a lot of gyrating and dips and hip-py moves

im not sure it is the right thing to do with a dawgy lol

i was a bit worried watching the dog on its hind legs for that long...dunno bout the health issue long term

but doggy dancing overall is pretty cool to watch

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I hate u-tube posts cause I always have to check out the others shown alongside and end out burning up both time and bandwidth.

It is amazing how 'in tune' dogs can be with human motion. I can't see it as cruel. Costumes look a little silly, but hey, what's wrong with silly.

This one brought up a horrid horrid 'dance' of two SWF's in a plexiglass cage supposedly dancing the meringue . . . that bothered me.

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