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Blacklab's Month Of Photos


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OK I am starting this thread to keep me honest. I need some motivation to get back into hobby photography. I am fairly house bound and have difficulty taking photographic equipment out with me when I do go out because of the two little people and all of their equipment. So most of the photos will be taken around the house which is a fantastic challenge! I have two babies and three dogs so they may be over represented. :) Every day I will post a photo. Please feel free to constructively critique!

I will start with two today. They are nice but technically could do with some improvement. Half of their faces are dark and I may try them again another day with an additional light source coming from underneath.5029573640_ee46922e44.jpg



Edited by blacklabrador
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Squeeee! Babies! :)

Nice idea. I've been doing the 52 Weeks Project for Ed this year. It's pretty cool seeing how much he has grown. It would be awesome if you could do 52 Weeks for Miles and Nina :wave:

Edited by huga
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Come on Blab - I've come in to check and can't see any photos from yesterday or today!

Nina and Miles are so gorgeous, you know you just have to post each day, we're al checking in here TRYING to keep you honest...


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