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Parvo, Other Things & Puppy Question.


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At present I have 4 week old puppies & my 3 month old Jag puppy :) Ricard.

He has had all his vaccs but I am worried about walking him off my property with having the pups at home.

Usually none of my adult dogs are walked while I have puppies, lots of space for exercise here anyway however he is at the age where he needs socialisation & taking out of the home environment.

I take him to the local shops but carry him, lots of farm dogs visit the shops, & walk him on the lead in the front garden so he knows back garden is for playing, out of the gate is for lead.

Am I being too phobic ? What do others do in similar circumstances ?

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At present I have 4 week old puppies & my 3 month old Jag puppy :) Ricard.

He has had all his vaccs but I am worried about walking him off my property with having the pups at home.

Usually none of my adult dogs are walked while I have puppies, lots of space for exercise here anyway however he is at the age where he needs socialisation & taking out of the home environment.

I take him to the local shops but carry him, lots of farm dogs visit the shops, & walk him on the lead in the front garden so he knows back garden is for playing, out of the gate is for lead.

Am I being too phobic ? What do others do in similar circumstances ?

I do absolutely nothing.

I carry on as per normal.

This is virus that hits you weather you leave your property or totally isolate your self.

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I get more cautious if I know there's parvo going around. The 4 wk pups may be better protected than the older pup . . . if Mum's antibodies were strong. I think most parvo deaths are in pups at least 8 weeks of age and quite a few happen in pups that were vaccinated once, or even twice. Sometimes vaccines don't take. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.

Edited by sandgrubber
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At present I have 4 week old puppies & my 3 month old Jag puppy :( Ricard.

He has had all his vaccs but I am worried about walking him off my property with having the pups at home.

Usually none of my adult dogs are walked while I have puppies, lots of space for exercise here anyway however he is at the age where he needs socialisation & taking out of the home environment.

I take him to the local shops but carry him, lots of farm dogs visit the shops, & walk him on the lead in the front garden so he knows back garden is for playing, out of the gate is for lead.

Am I being too phobic ? What do others do in similar circumstances ?

I do absolutely nothing.

I carry on as per normal.

This is virus that hits you weather you leave your property or totally isolate your self.

Also you don't want to deprive your puppy of early socialisation or "Puppy Pre-school" types of activities, which IMO are very important out of fear of catching something which you could get in your own back yard.

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