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Not Sure If I Can Post This Here?


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I just saw this on petlink & thought it would not hurt to post it here too...if so please remove :)






or phone 0448243540


I'm not able to help but surely someone can :(


Edited by ♥Baxter♥
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I am not sure whether you were enquiring about whether you could help, or about whether others on the forum could help.

I don't think it is allowed to be posted here - but - if you are wanting to help please phone the number and see what they want. Offer physical assistance erecting the fence -not $$. If they refuse, it is probaby a scam. If you really want to help go and meet them, and ensure that their request is genuine.

It may be a scam to get money from the kind hearted.

NEVER give money over the internet to anyone at all no matter how good they sound. If someone else is soliciting on their behalf, and you don't know the people who need help, ensure that their name and location is in the details not just something vague;

ie - don't give for someone who needs an operation on their dog or food for their children

Give to Bill Smith of Wakely, who needs an operation on his dog --- offer to give the $$ to the vet surgery.

You will often see people in rescue threads with a rescue dog needing something, and posters offer to send money to the vet. Otherwise there are full details and photos

Hope this helps you not to be ripped off :) It's easy to be ripped off over the 'net

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I am not sure whether you were enquiring about whether you could help, or about whether others on the forum could help.

I don't think it is allowed to be posted here - but - if you are wanting to help please phone the number and see what they want. Offer physical assistance erecting the fence -not $$. If they refuse, it is probaby a scam. If you really want to help go and meet them, and ensure that their request is genuine.

It may be a scam to get money from the kind hearted.

NEVER give money over the internet to anyone at all no matter how good they sound. If someone else is soliciting on their behalf, and you don't know the people who need help, ensure that their name and location is in the details not just something vague;

ie - don't give for someone who needs an operation on their dog or food for their children

Give to Bill Smith of Wakely, who needs an operation on his dog --- offer to give the $$ to the vet surgery.

You will often see people in rescue threads with a rescue dog needing something, and posters offer to send money to the vet. Otherwise there are full details and photos

Hope this helps you not to be ripped off :) It's easy to be ripped off over the 'net

Thanks, I hope they only mean physical help, I would never give $$ to strangers just like that.

Can the post be removed?

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I just saw this on petlink & thought it would not hurt to post it here too...if so please remove :)


or phone 0448243540


That part always makes me suspicious.

Why is the email address they used to post no longer available ?

If they have just used it to post how come there is another email to reply ? Mobile phone number too, no home phone ?

Be careful.

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Thiswould be handled by pacers I think

ellz. Julie would gather the details, and put them here - name, area where they live, and problem, so forum members are only donating to a genuine person in need.

SOME Rescues and others seeking donations on here have been exposed as scams. Make sure whether you are giving money directly or via someone else, that you have full details.

In most cases, it is safer to give to the vet/doctor etc involved, or to a business so the people can access the goods not the money

It's easy to give $$ to unworthy causes, or to people who are simply collecting for themselves, don't give your hard earned dough to a scam :thumbsup:

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I know that Jed. I'm just saying that it is pointless to give advice to PM Steve because her preferred method of contact is NOT via PM and her inbox is full for that reason.

However she deals with it, is entirely up to her, I just wanted to let the OP know that CW EW's advice to PM Steve is incorrect.

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s'ok, Ellz you had already said it, I didn't see the need to repeat it :thumbsup:

Even if it is pacers, people should know to whom the money is going - not just pacers, the person in need. :) All agencies need to be accountable and transparent.

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I realise that Jed. I just didn't want the OP having incorrect contact information that's all. I have no opinions either way about whether or not the person concerned is genuine or whether or not Pacers can even help her. That's none of my concern.

I still think that it should be pinned somewhere on the various parts of the forum that Steve isn't to be contacted via PM. So many people still make the same mistake.

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Around about now its probably a good time to say that checking whether someone should receive help isnt as easy as it sounds.

PACERS has processes in place and everyone who needs a hand has to follow the procedure so we know we are not being taken for a ride.

Even if they are sent to us by counsellors from known agencies we still have to make them go through the process because sometimes people tell counsellors lies in order to get something they want too. On two occassions the counsellor [ the same counsellor] has been the one telling the lies.

Sometimes the help they need is to find new homes for their animals too.When someone is asking for help to feed 94 animals they own which they say they dont breed and they have no idea how they will have money in the future to feed them then part of the help they should be accepting is working with us to thin the crowd out.

This is one of the reasons we have moved to setting up the chartered clubs which aims to put a pacers club in every locality so that when someone is in trouble there are people right there on the spot to help and so that any money raised in one area stays there for when someone in that community needs it.

In our situation we have to do general fundraising as well as fundraising for specific cases mainly because we are new and we dont have a bank to cover us if we are called on or if we strike an unexpected expense.

For example we have one in at the moment where the owner has had to go away [with no choice] for 6 months. One of her little dogs is in need of vet work - rotten teeth. The bill for this is 450 dollars.I guess we could decide the dog can wait until its owner comes home but thats not on and so we have to find the money to pay the vet bill. Hopefully when the owner gets back she will re imburse any of our expenses but this is doubtful considering where the owner will be for 6 months and that she is unlikely to have any funds to cover this. In order to be able to do this we need general funds because if we ask for help with one case all of the money received goes to that case - when we raised money for openarms for example every thing that was donated was used for openarms and when we had just under $100 left over we used it to buy her a new rug for her new home so her dogs wouldnt slip on the polished floors as much. Money raised for the bushfires is used for the bushfire victims - we dont just take some of it for the floods which were around at the same time. When we helped the flood victims it was out of donations specifically for the floods and our general funds. When we helped huntinghound we didnt use money which had been donated for specifically anything else etc. Every cent donated for Jed goes to Jed or is used to cover vet expenses etc for her dogs. With our chartered clubs they have to keep two accounts as we do. One which the public donate and fundraising which is only ever used to help people and another which they pay administrative expenses out of which is derived by other means such as membership fees etc.For example we used member fees recently to pay for our legal fees so we could set up the chartered clubs and we use member fees or funds which have been donated specifically for that purpose [usually by one of the board of directors] to pay for insurances, websites [usually a free webmaster - thanks Shane] etc. And no one is paid wages.

Some people are specific when they donate- "use this for sally" but some say "use this for Sally and any change put it into a general account" .

For future reference you need to send anyone you think may need help to the pacers website and advise them look at the list of what will make them eligible to get some help and to fill out the form to request assistance or you can do it for them and that will start the process. Here

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How can the people who are donating know for sure that the money they are donating is going where they think it is going?

Anyone asking for money on something as anonymous as an internet forum must have proof of where the money is going and complete and transparent accountability which is readily available for the public and those donating to see.

The people who are supposed to be recipients of the donations may not even exist. And if they do, donors need to be sure the money is being received by then. Always ask any organisation if they are going to issue a receipt, so you can claim if off your tax. And make sure you do get one.

If private individuals are asking, ensure that they are genuine, and their needs are genuine.

As a potential donor, if checking isn't easy, keep your money in your pocket. :laugh:

Edited by Jed
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