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Some Advice

Vader's mum

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I am crating and toilet training so far I think I'm doing everything right but I just wanted to know if there was any book/website that you go to thats comprehensive?

We've only had a few accidents and he wakes me at night when he needs to go (I set the alarm but he usually wakes me 30 - 15mins before it goes off) I must say I am a little slack durning the day but havent really had any accidents.

When I put him in his crate at night gosh he is a sook! He love to wine... I dont know why during the day if I have a nap he goes in and he's fine with it but at night its a bit of a drama. So Im wondering if I should start from stratch with his crating?

Also Im not getting him out when he wines I leave him in so I am worried this is making him think his crate isnt fun and more of a punishment thing.

Any advice is great. Thanks!

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If he whines, ignore him. IF he has been asleep for say an hour or more he may need to toilet. SO take him out, no playing, toilet, then back to bed.

In his crate have toys maybe some chewy things and each time you put him in give him some sort of small yummy treat. WHen he whines do not tell him off or so much as look at him, pretend he doesn't exist. He only comes out/gets attention when quiet (unless of course he has been asleep and woken up and cried to tell you he needs to toilet!)

Check out all Pers's link as well - lots of info there ;)

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Sounds like you're doing the right thing with crate training! ;)

Can he see you in his crate when you both go to bed?

My advice is to take your puppy out to toilet when:

Its been 10 minutes after a meal;

After a playing session;

Immediately after he wakes up from a nap; otherwise

Every 2 hours.

Also please don't think you're being a bad mum for leaving the pup alone in the crate. Think of it as 'time out' for both of you. As Rommi n Lewis has explained, make the crate a fun place to be for him. He'll get used to being alone which helps prevent separation anxiety.

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Sounds like you're doing the right thing with crate training! :thumbsup:

Can he see you in his crate when you both go to bed?

My advice is to take your puppy out to toilet when:

Its been 10 minutes after a meal;

After a playing session;

Immediately after he wakes up from a nap; otherwise

Every 2 hours.

Also please don't think you're being a bad mum for leaving the pup alone in the crate. Think of it as 'time out' for both of you. As Rommi n Lewis has explained, make the crate a fun place to be for him. He'll get used to being alone which helps prevent separation anxiety.

He cant see us when he goes to bed, is that maybe why he's so rowdy? I usually throw a sheet over it so he is totally covered and he pipes down sooner but I'd rather not have to so that.

I've been more switched on with his training today as i was with him all day and he was having a nice restful day at my feet so was a hell of a lot easier. He is such a joy god how I love him.

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