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Tough Toy Recommendations


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Hi there

Just wondering if anyone has suggestions for toys for the dally puppy I just brought into my home. His age is unkown - but he's at least 6 months old. He is still chewing on things and has wrecked everything I've given him. The biggest suprise was today when he managed to destroy the Kahuna Tough Toy that I've had for years! Even my previous boy didn't do that - and he was a monster when it came to toys.

So I'm looking for something for him to chew on (apart from bones) that might have a chance of lasting more than a day or so.

I've heard people mention Bad Cuz - are they tough?

I was also looking at this as an option orka stick

Any thoughts????

ETA Also has anyone got or had a kong puppy flyer? I don't expect that to be all that tough - I was just thinking of it for exercise and training. Are they any good???

Edited by spottychick
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Our Cuz has lasted but mine don't really chew it much, just throw it around. We have a 'Squirrel Dude' (treat dispensing similar to a Kong) that goes alright... if all else fails just raid the recycling bin for some cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, etc. that he can have some fun with! :rofl:

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Our Orka Stick lasted about 5 minutes, after me bragging to OH that it would last forever.....

We did have an Orka Ball a while back - http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/PSTOBR - and that did last (not the rope, that was sacrificed early) - I think it got left in one of the dog runs at our old place :rofl: It was because of the ball that I thought the stick would last, but nope.

Other toys we've had that lasted well

http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/KNOTS?sc=9&category=171 - eventually got lost, but was still completely unharmed last time I saw it

http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/TUFMR?sc=9&category=171 - we still have our Tuffie Ring, although it's a normal sized one, not a mega one - it's chewed up but still holding its stuffing, and we've probably had it for a good 2 years. They have worked through a few layers of material, but they still haven't beaten it :rofl: By far the best of the tuffie toys that we've tried :D

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HonBun was a chomping machine :rofl: She is a big gal now...toys are still not safe.

This is the best pacifier I've found


I think large size would be best for Dylan.

Their tug-a-jug is fantastic - it may be unsuitable with 3 "parties" interested in a toy.

Edited by HonBun
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Thanks for all the ideas! I'll go check em out.

Tokkie - awww but Ringo doesn't look like he could hurt a fly!!! :D

The tough toy Dylan just destroyed was extremely tough. It was only when he was sitting in his basket chewing on the edges that he broke through the edging. ;) So it would have lasted if I hadn't given it to him in his bed - but I had to because otherwise he'd chew on the bed itself and he's already pulled of several pieces of the foam frame. Honbun - that pacifier looks like it might do the trick for calming him down.

Anyway - I'll go look at all those suggestions and thanks again :(

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Everlasting fun bal... our two mega chewers still haven't killed it. Get a large though, the medium is small!

How small are the treat holes? I ask because of issues with kongs getting stuck on the dogs tongue etc - I threw out the kong I had. They look different tho.

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These are pretty tough my boy tries to tear them apart with 2 other dog playmates and its lasted a few months (which is good for us) http://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.p...roducts_id/1792

I also bought him a squeaky rubber bone that has lasted better than most toys squeaker bit was gone on the first day but because it's flexible he has issues damaging it http://www.petfood247.com.au/epages/pepe68...oducts/92-43035

Edited by Rottigirl
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My two, will try destroy anything they have to play with and they also both love chewing stuff ;) unfortunatley the tuffy toys didn't last long but I have found that the large everlasting fun ball and the extreme kongs are great.

How small are the treat holes?
they are about 2cm at the most(guessing)
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Thanks for that luffy - I have to admit I have a lot of trouble with the search function in this forum so I appreciate you linking that for me :D

You're most welcome. :( I do bookmark certain threads that might be useful for me in the future. That's one of them as Bailey seems to destroy any toys I get him as well. ;)

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Everlasting fun bal... our two mega chewers still haven't killed it. Get a large though, the medium is small!

How small are the treat holes? I ask because of issues with kongs getting stuck on the dogs tongue etc - I threw out the kong I had. They look different tho.

There's no issue at all. The fun ball is squishy, you can squeeze it in your hand easily. It makes it harder for the dogs to get the treats out. Holes are star shaped sort of, with about a 5c coin hole. I tend to stuff it with bikkies and get the everlocking treats to put in it for my two. Diesel will walk around chewing on it for hours.

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Everlasting fun bal... our two mega chewers still haven't killed it. Get a large though, the medium is small!

How small are the treat holes? I ask because of issues with kongs getting stuck on the dogs tongue etc - I threw out the kong I had. They look different tho.

There's no issue at all. The fun ball is squishy, you can squeeze it in your hand easily. It makes it harder for the dogs to get the treats out. Holes are star shaped sort of, with about a 5c coin hole. I tend to stuff it with bikkies and get the everlocking treats to put in it for my two. Diesel will walk around chewing on it for hours.

Thanks for that! :p Have ordered one!!

And also a Bad cuz.

I bought him a cheapie from chicken feed for the meantime and it seems to be doing the trick nicely. IT cost about $3 and has all sorts of different hardish rubber textures on it. Very nice.

I'll have a look at Aussie Dog Toys :grouphug:

Nekhbet - Thanks for that - Yeah he gets bones of some kind every day. But I don't let him bring them inside. He just has a thing where he chews on something while he settles down in his bed and if I dont find him toys or something he will eat the bed itself. Like I said the cheap chew toy seems to be holding up well so far :rofl:

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