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Pia Insurance - Cruciate Ligament Exam


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I'm going to be taking a policy out with Pet Insurance Australia and saw that you can get your vet to peform a cruciate ligament exam to then apply to have the six month waiting period reduced for this particular condition

Had anyone done this? Were you successful in having your waiting period reduced?

Just wondering if its worth doing, even though its only going to cost the price of a consult (I'm assuming, or will vet charge extra for having to fill out forms etc?)

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I didn't bother, but I took it out when my dog is older, so I know his cruciates are healthy.

If you were taking it out on a breed prone to doing their cruciates and on a 6mth old dog say- might be well worth it.

He's 11 months old. GSP...not sure if they are prone to doing cruciates though? My other GSP's never had a problem.

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We Leila checked at the next time we went to the vet rather than making a special trip. We decided to get them checked mostly because she enjoys racing around the tiles in the house and I'm worried something will give and it just could be the ACL. It turns out they were fine.

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