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Housemate's New Puppy


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My housemate and bestfriend has just bought a new puppy. A male longhaired chihuahua (supposedly, I know very little about the breed and he doesn't come with papers). Now, I'm quite furious as this was a last minute decision based on her brother getting the pups sister. I asked if he was from a good breeder and was assured that the lady had been breeding for twenty years and was a friend of the family's.

The pup arrived this morning and instantly I knew my friend had been lied to. The puppy has no microchip he has recently had fleas and his tummy is firm like he has worms. He has slept most of today. I tried to talk to my friend about he problems in a concerned and not preachy manner but her mother who is an idiot about animals and knows the breeder kept saying how well all where animals were treated etc sonow I am being neurotic and not listened to. She paid $500 for him and I don't even think he's been vaccinateand there's parvovirus around here in wagga.

She will do the right things by him but I am so worried and angry that she refuses to see sense and that she was conned by a byb.

Also of concern is that he has clear fluid coming out of his nose. Not much but enough that it bubbled a bi I have already started worming and flea treatments and am hoping maybe the vet can swing her around to common sense should I becreally worried about the sleepiness? I'm not so well acquainted with puppies as we've always had older dogs either recurs or rehomed ex showdogs. And I'm better with cats anyway

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You're right to be concerned for the welfare of the pup, but IMO there's not much point now about worrying about where the pup has come from.

Personally I wouldn't be worming or flea treating a puppy (especially one so small and perhaps not well) so soon after it's had the major upheaval of changing homes.

Vet check first, then take it from there.

If he turns out to have issues "I told you so" isn't very helpful, if he turns out OK then saying how bad his breeder is just gives her a chance to say "I told you so".

Sadly there's no law against stupid and gullible.

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Oh I know. She should know better as we have three pound adoptees between us and she's seen tiny puppies and heard the ranger talk about breeding stock and unsold pups being dumped. I'm cross but I know that 'i told you so' will just make her focus wrongly on me. Besides - before joining here i used to be a little naive in terms of ethical breeding. Ive learned a lot here.

She will do the right thing by the pup who is just adorable - no denying that. I'll let her come to her own conclusions if he is sick and hopefully she won't follow her mums advice to breed from him and make her money back. He will be microchipped vaccinated and wormed and well loved - by me as well even if I'm more a fan of bigger breeds!

He's 12 weeks though apparently. Will find out from the vet tomorrow.

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Nothing to be done now, puppy is here.

Easy on the flea treatment. Chihuahuas can be very sensitive to some & have been know to fit when treated with some.

Don't use the malawash. sp ?

Maybe a warm bath in some Martha Gardeners Woolwash well diluted in a jug & then go over the pup with a human type nit comb & repeat in a couple of days.

Puppy wormer like choc Cannex should be fine.

Vet for the usual & help & advice is all you can do now.

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