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Is My Puppy Afraid Of Other Puppies?

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Last night I took my dog Baxter to his first doggie class - a Basic Adult class as he's 20 weeks old (I've only had him 3.5 weeks).

He gets fairly excited generally but when we arrived and he saw the other dogs it seemed like he was afraid. When we started the click-sit task he was doing quite well, better than I anticipated but when it was time to socialise he freaked out and started barking. Two of the dogs were over double the size of Baxter so I don't know if that was what panicked him?

We have an adult Labrador next to us who barks through the fence and this doesn't bother Baxter at all so I'm not sure if it was the sight of all the dogs or just the situation was overwhelming but I really want to help him out.

Baxter is a Cocker Spaniel X. Any thoughts or guidance would be greatly appreciated :laugh:

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He is possibly going through a bit of a fear period and is a bit unsure. Does he regularly socialse with other dogs?

Can you provide a more detailed description of the behaviour. WHat do you mean by "freaked out" do you mean tried to run away, cowering etc...

Barking could be out of excitement, my puppy will do that sometimes.

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He is possibly going through a bit of a fear period and is a bit unsure. Does he regularly socialse with other dogs?

Can you provide a more detailed description of the behaviour. WHat do you mean by "freaked out" do you mean tried to run away, cowering etc...

Barking could be out of excitement, my puppy will do that sometimes.

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Like Aussie lover said has he been around other dogs much? If not his first time in a situation with other dogs so close will be a bit over whealming. We have puppies come to obedience and the first time they hide between thier owners legs and the next lesson they start to come out of thier shell. Do you know what is your puppy crossed with?

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Aussielover – You’re right, “freaked out” wasn’t a great description! At first he just ignored the dogs but was hiding behind my legs but after one of the big dogs approached him, he tried to run away… fast, and then he was barking but I’m not sure that it was an excited bark. Given the initial shy and running behaviour I am thinking not?

In answer to whether Baxter has been around many dogs yet, unfortunately not. I got him when he was a little older but then had to wait until his final vaccination so last night was the first time in that kind of scene. I realise this could’ve had a lot to do with his reaction but the other pups seemed much calmer.

Tic - I wish I knew how to upload a photo of Baxter (will work on this) because I would love to know what you think he’s crossed with. I was told Cocker Spaniel X Maltese. He is quite a bit smaller than a Spaniel so I do think there’s a smaller breed in him but not Maltese!

As a side note – he’s great at home. Getting the toilet training thing (slowly!), happily plays on his own but loves being inside and around people, he eats well and sleeps well and loves kids… it’s just the fear I saw last night which concerns me at this stage.

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Now that he is fully vaccinated, get him out and about around as many new things as possible. Itook all of mine with me everywhere I possibly could from 8 weeks. We even started puppy school at 8 weeks. I would say by what you have said it is due to his age and not having been around otehr dogs much is why he reacted the way he did. Do you have any friends with dogs with good tempraments you could socialize him with?

To upload a photo, I use photo bucket you just upload your photo to photo bucket them copy and past the code with the front and back. would love to see a photo of you pup!

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It may also help to be careful where/how you socialise him. If he's a bit anxious, having positive experiences with calm friendly dogs will be helpful but negative experiences with reactive or over the top dogs may add to his fears. It is something we should have been more careful with when we were socialising our pup who has a tendency to be anxious and fearful around other dogs. Taking him to an off leash park was a mistake for us as he couldn't cope with all the dogs rushing up to him.

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He does seem a bit fearful.

If you can, get the owners of the big puppies to get their dogs to lie down or roll over, and allow your puppy to approach on a loose lead. If he starts barking, walk him away, until he calms down and then try again.

But it might for now, be best, if your puppy was the one that initiated approach for big puppies/dogs if he is scared of them because if he learns that barking at them makes them go away - he might get worse.

It shouldn't take him very long to work out that big puppies are no threat and fun to play with but not if the issue gets forced. It may also help if he sees other small puppies playing with the big ones.

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I think it's just overwhelm and scared.

I think you should start socialising him with calmer dogs. Do you people who has calm dogs?

Maybe there are some DOLer on the forum who has well socialise dogs lives around your area and you can organise a playdate or something?

If you lived in Sydney.. your pup can play with my 2 :hug:

Edited by CW EW
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Thanks to all for your advice.

I have booked Baxter in for a few play dates with other dogs and try to get him used to them. My friend's dogs are biggr but calm so fingers crossed.

Unfortunately yesterday I took him to the park and he was frightened of an 8 week old pup so I think it's fair to say that we have a bit of a problem. Hopefully if we get him used to our friend's dogs then he might go better in puppy school.

As for uploading a photo of my little Baxter, all of mine appear to large to upload but watch this space... would still like to know your thoughts on his breed!

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sounds like he's very undersocialised. Where did you get him from? Was he shy at the breeders?

You need to get him used to dogs, he will in time, but ignore his sooking. If he tries to hide behind you move away and I find a fun game is to get the other dogs to take treats from you and ignore your dog. He will want a treat too, but he will first play scared, then think hey they're all ignoring me what do I need to do to get the treat!

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Pups have to be socialised when theyre very young which means touve got to get them used to lots of things in the first 4 months of their life like different people other dogs traffic crowds ect.Sounds like your pup didnt have this so itll be harder now hes past that period of his life

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I didn't get the puppy until he was 19 weeks old so it seems that he hadn't had a lot of contact with other pups although I know he had 2 sisters and a brother who were with him up until the week before I took Baxter.

I like the idea of playing with the other dog as Baxter loves his food and will want to get involved! I guess the only interaction he's had with other dogs has been out in public so he's restrained by the leash however with the play dates set up this week, he'll be able to get comfortable in his own time.

I hope it's not too late for him because he's a lovely pup with such a good nature... he's just better with people than other dogs at the moment.

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I would like to hear about the DOL meet ups, it would be great to get Baxter mixing with other puppies. I am in Adelaide, not too far from the city so it would be great to be involved.

Hopefully it is just a case that my puppy is scared of other breeds that he's not used to and that this fear will pass soon...

I will keep you posted after the play dates and next puppy school class. Wish us luck!

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Thank you for letting me know about the DOL meet up this weekend. I have a play date tomorrow night booked in and then puppy school on Thursday so if we see some improvement with Baxter and the other dogs then we might come along. If I think it still may be a little too much for him I will wait until the next one.

Thanks again for all your advice, much appreciated!

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