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Marley Update :-)

Marley'z Mum

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hi all

Just incase anyone was interested i thought i would post a lil update on marley

Well he is 6months old nxt month (an still gorgeous!) hehe we finishd some classes bout 2 weeks ago, he passed the first stage, 2nd stage should be startin in a couple weeks, he is really very well behaved...

No more problems with him growling at my youngest daughter, he thinks he is one of them hehe...

I found a place 2 get DNA tests that tests what breeds they have in them, so we are waiting on the results of that, (exciting)

The only thing that i am a lil worried bout is when we are walkin along a busy road he is very jumpy bout the cars goin by very skitish, not to much of a prob when he is on a lead but i worry that if he was ever to get onto a road on his own, his skitishness would force him in front of cars, any ideas on fixing this would be much appreciated :rolleyes:

Anyway hope u enjoyed the update

Edited by Marley'z Mum
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I have often thought of you Marley'z Mum!!! That is fantastic to hear is growing nicely!

Can't really help you with the road behaviours... other than I am sure after more training and growing, he will calm down a bit. I don't think we will ever let Genevieve off the lead as I just don't trust her to not get distracted...

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same I don't think Marley will ever be a dog that I can just let wander around of the lead... we go to an open oval, and I take my son (much fitter than me hehe) and I leave a long lead on him and I let him go there, he can't get tangled up in anything, and if he gets to far away and is being completely ignorant and wont come back, my son runs after him, its good coz if he gets to far from my son he can just stand on the lead and stop him gettin to far away.....

here is a couple of recent pictures :-)



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Hey marlys mum,

can i ask could you re go over the growling at your daughter thing?

My pup is seeing my baby as another pup and sort of treats him like a litter mate. (not that the baby is helping Like trying to let Tsar excape his crate and playing with toys with him)

double trouble those 2 are.

but pup will grumble at him and i growl back so what did you do? can you go into it again PLEASE


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Hi TsarsMum

there was a lil issue when marley was small where my daughter accidentally hurt him, then after that every time my daughter (8) went to move him if he was asleep where he wasn't meant to be he would growl at her, mainly it was when he was laying down or sleeping, he really only did it to her out of all 3 of my kids....

basically I stopped her going near him when he is sleeping or laying down, and she started feeding him at feed times, and doing some training with him, she can go pat him when he is laying down or sleeping now and he doesn't make a sound will lay there and lap up the cuddle or get up and move....

tho he still doesn't see any of the kids as above him, like you, he thinks they are his litter mates i'm sure.... the ladder in this house goes, OH is pack leader (why I don't know?? I bloody do everything for the dog!!! hehe) I am second in charge lol and the dog and kids come next.... I still have to occassionally growl at him when he gets a lil over excited with the kids and gets a lil rough for the girls but other than that he is really good

Hope that has helped

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not sure what he weigh's exactly haven't weighed him lately, but given the last time I weighed him I would imagine he is about 11 or 12 kg now.... he is still rather small (short) so don't know how much bigger he is going to get....

and yeah he still does look very puppyish, that look means he gets away with alot! hehe he is adorable looking though and yes I am very very lucky to have him in my life... love him to peices!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok just another quick update..... we recieved the results for Marley's DNA test yesterday so I thought I would let anyone interested know...... let me firstly say though, I know there is some that would say that the tests are crap, but when I did this test, I gave them no indication as to what I was told Marley was and they had seen no pictures..... therefore as far as they were concerned he could have been a maltese

so anyway the results are roughly 50% staffy (which I didn't really need to be told as I can see the staffy) the other 50% is basically bitza there are some many other breeds its not funny.... and ridgeback is right at the bottom of the list which is also no suprise.... next in line to the staffy though was Australian cattle dog and bullterrier.... the cattle dog probably explains the longer fur, I am a lil disappointed that they couldn't be more specific about the rest of him, but again I am not suprised, it just means to me that his parents and grandparents were probably cross's...

so there it is to anyone interested :-)

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