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Ben Update

James Bond

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Hi guys

A few weeks ago we rescued our Labrador from the RSPCA pound. He was fairly badly mannered although he had obviously had some training at some point. He was jumping up, ignoring commands and generally being a PITA.

Some of you have met him at Kepala.

He's getting on really really well now. He's graduated from puppy primary school - which was really fantastic. He is now much much more obedient and has learned that I am "top dog" :idea: . He understands and is obedient to - sit, wait, down, yuk, leave, close, no play, in and out (of the car), eat, take and 90% of the time he will come running to "Ben, Come! Quick! Quick!" which is what the trainer taught us and works very well. We're working on the other 10%. :rofl: He no longer jumps all over the kids which is just GREAT as he's 40kg of fun! They love him and they're even walking him under supervision and playing with him.

He ripped up his bed unfortunately, he wasn't being destructive, he just wanted his bed out of his kennel but only half of it came! :rofl: So we mended that bed and bought him a rogz tougher bed to have outside the kennel for day naps.

There's just a couple of things left to sort out, then we can work on more and more positives. He's a bit barky - he wants constant attention. he does get a lot of walks and play as my wife is home all day, however we can't entertain him 24/7! We've had to resort to squirting him with water spray when he barks a lot, which works well, and we've ordered a Citronella collar too which will probably be a bit nicer for him. Our lovely neighbours told us they were very pleased that he barked at them when they were up on their roof as they felt he would scare off any burglars :rolleyes: . But even they probably want the odd quiet lie in!

The other thing that I don't like much is that he nips other dogs a lot when he's playing with them. I haven't got a plan to deal with this yet so if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated. He's not being aggressive but it doesn't look very good!

So he's 100% a different and improved dog from when he arrived and we're all very pleased!

Thanks to everyone on this great forum for their advice and help so far.




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Well done JB.

Barking - I use the squirt bottle too. Must get a new one, the current one died. I also try to give the dog something else to do and I ignore and act all unconcerned about whatever she's barking at, especially if it's the neighbours. I also took my dog around all the neighbour's houses to introduce her to them, to let them know where she belonged and ask them to let me know if they have any problems with barking or whatever. So they know I would be wiling to listen to any concerns.

As for nipping other dogs, my dog matches what the other dog does and plays as rough or gentle as they do. So with the farm dogs - they're hanging off each other's cheeks and ears and neck. She plays with one beagle by constantly tipping it up and rolling it so it can't run, much to the owner's delight and the beagle always jumps back in for more. If a dog shows any sign of distress or fear or agression - I call my dog away and she comes. Whoo hoo.

If you're concerned your dog is nipping and it's upsetting other dogs (or their owners), you might like to combine recall training ie getting your dog to leave the other dog alone when you tell it to, and also social practice ie allow greetings and a small amount of play on lead and the second your dog gets too rough, call him away then drag him out if he doesn't come willingly. Ie he only gets to play when you say it's ok and only as hard as you say. And also calm greetings, ie approach on loose lead and the second your dog takes up the slack and starts pulling, turn around and walk away until you have loose lead again. Then approach again.

Sometimes I get my dog to drop (and then she commando crawls) to greet another dog or small child. This may also help give you some control over greetings and play.

Most puppies learn how hard they can play with each dog eg be nice and gentle with older dogs, and play as rough as you like with puppies your size, and it may be that this lab hasn't had that opportunity to practice what works and what doesn't.

Looks like your lab is a quick learner, I'm sure you will do well.

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Great news that he's learning quickly and your family is enjoying him :rolleyes:

Looking at his pics and your comment that he's 40kgs, another trick he needs to learn is healthy eating! He could certainly do with losing some kgs. In fact, looking at the thread you posted when you joined DOL, he's put on a lot of weigh in a month or so by the looks of things - he was a great weight in this pic


Remember you're putting extra stress and strain on his joints by having him carry the extra weight - he should be lean and fit

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Great news that he's learning quickly and your family is enjoying him :rofl:

Looking at his pics and your comment that he's 40kgs, another trick he needs to learn is healthy eating! He could certainly do with losing some kgs. In fact, looking at the thread you posted when you joined DOL, he's put on a lot of weigh in a month or so by the looks of things - he was a great weight in this pic


Remember you're putting extra stress and strain on his joints by having him carry the extra weight - he should be lean and fit

Hi - thanks for that, we are now aware of the correct amount of food! The RSPCA told us to give him 2.5 cups of Hills Science twice a day when we got him - now he is on 1.5 cups tops and less if he is getting training treats. I wish they had told us the right amount to start off with :laugh:


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Hi JB!

Just noticed this update, and wanted to say good on you and your whole family for doing such a great job with Ben!

It really does sound like he's doing really well.

I'm glad you've got his diet sorted, it is a shame that you were misinformed, but with the exercise you're giving him and the smaller diet, I'm sure he'll be back in peak condition in no time.

I have no advice on the nipping, maybe he needs another dog to tell him off for it...lol. Seriously though, I would speak to your trainer first, then if they are no help, maybe ask some trainers on here?

Hopefully, we'll see you all at another Kepala meet one day soon!

Cheers ;)

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So lovely to hear how much you have done for your beautiful lab ... they are the most loving and beautiful creatures on earth.

Just a little thought about the barking...our chocolate lab used to bark nonstop when we first got him...and nothing worked (we had a 'behaviouralist' over who charged an obscene amount of money and just told us to 'ignore him' if he barked, but that never worked and only served to tick off the neighbours).

But we were trying to keep him as an outside dog and then, after reading these forums, decided to bring him inside and make him an inside dog; this made a WORLD of difference and he never, ever barks anymore (unless there is someone at the door).

It's just a thought, but you may already have him inside...

As for someone's suggestion to get a 2nd dog ;), we actually did get a second dog, a golden retriever, and this made our lab much happier, but there are two sides to that argument, because they do teach each other bad habits; many people say it's best to get a 2nd dog when the first one is fully trained.

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Aawww- I am so glad to read this update - Ben just looks such a kind and honest soul ;)

The nipping does need sorting- and please be aware that citronella , as well as squirting when activated, then may stay on teh coat all day ..being an oil. Not at all pleasant for the dog , I would think. The electronic collars are better in that regard- only activated for a few seconds then nothing .

maybe have a read of these threads ?



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