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Where Does You Puppy Sleep?

Vader's mum

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Well FINIAL the day has come and we are picking up our little man today! :)

I was thinking about having him sleep in our ensuit but I just dont know now. I get up to go to the loo and I wouldnt want to wake him and it's not a terribly big room either, so I worry about if he pee's or poo's when I get up in the middle of the night I may step in it (fun!). So I was thinking of putting him in the other bathroom, it's much bigger and we never use it so I wouldnt be so fussed about what happened in there, I wouldn't wake him getting up. The bathroom is down close to our room so I would hear him if anything happened. I just dont know.

So basically I just wanted to know where did you sleep your pup? Or if you have any other tips for me.


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Crate beside the bed.

A pup won't learn to eliminate outside if its allowed to pee and poo in the house during the night.

Laundries and bathrooms are heat sinks - the coldest places in the house.

Where will this pup sleep eventually - you should start as you intend to go on.

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My puppy sleeps in a crate in my room.

All of my dogs are crated at night (I have 5). When the weather is warmer they sleep outside. The one in my room is a 6 month old Dobermann and I wanted him as close as possible to us so I could take him out to toilet whenever he woke up. He now sleeps through the night (has for ages now), he will also sleep outside when the weather is better.

Having them in a crate, close to you makes it much quicker and easier to toilet train them.

What kind of pup do you have? Make sure to put up some pics :)

Good luck

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Yeah we have a crate but I was going to put him in the bathroo with it, but if next to the bed is good I'll give it a go. I'm not to sure where he'll sleep he'll be and inside outside dog but inside fo now still cold at night.

Kenobi is a beagle, cannot wait to get him home!

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He started off in his pen in the garage - easier to clean out in case of accidents and vomitting and to sweep out general debris. Come winter he (and his pen :)) moved into a tiled room outside my bedroom. These days he's crated in my bedroom unless I'm up late working on something, in which case he sleeps in his pen.

Oh, and we're definitely going to need some piccies of Kenobi! :o Have fun with him today!

Edited by Niques
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Well my puppy has a bed in my room (a dog bed that is :)) but she usually sleeps on my crumpled up clothes (i am messy).

She has slept downstairs a few times when i have been up late and don't want to wake her. She is fine and doesn't get up to mischief but she is nearing 6 months old now, no way would i let a young puppy have free run peeing and pooing everyhwere!.

All my dog have been crated in my room at night while they were being toilet trained and then were allowed to have free run of the house when older.

Mindy (my current pup) was started off in the laundary in a crate which was unsuccessful and therefore she was moved to my room.

The problem with the laundary is that it is too stressful for some puppies and you can't really hear them to take them outside if they need to go. And it is quite horrible for a puppy to be forced to make a mess in its crate :o

Also, being a winter puppy, I think the laundary was too cold and probably smelt funny, where as my room is nice and warm and smells like me. I can hear her if she needs to go out which is great.

Good Luck, looking forward to hear some puppy stories and see some photos :rofl:

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Mine slept in a crate beside my bed until recently when I was confident she wouldnt have any accidents in the house and now sleeps on my bed- and thanks to crate training there hasnt been any over night accidents so far :rofl: Her taking up most of the bed space is another story.

just be prepared to get up a few times and put it close enough to your bed so you can hear when he wakes up for the toilet- otherwise set a timer to get up every couple of hours.

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My two started on the bed but now Charlie sleeps on his bed beside my bed. More room for him to stretch out (for a little guy, he does take up a lot of room!). Emmy still sleeps on the bed with me.. she sometimes starts off sleeping on the floor by the door, but by the time the light is switched off, she is cuddling up to me. I wouldn't want it any other way :rofl:

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My pup ( now nine months old) sleeps in his crate. Started him in the crate next to my bed. As others said, it makes it easier to take them out the minute they stir. Once he was sleeping through most of the night I gradually moved the crate out of my room and to where it is now. I can't rave about crate training enough. Best thing I ever did.

Have a great time picking up your new pup :rofl: sooo excited for you. It's a special day bringing them home finally isn't it :thumbsup:

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Sophie (now 18 weeks) started out in a crate by my bed. She needed to be taken out a couple of times a night. I liked having her close because she seemed to settle much faster. When she was around 14 weeks I felt she was waking me up too often through the night (and I never knew if it was for attention or toilet) and was waking up and carrying on too early to be up and about so I took her onto my bed. She now sleeps through the night on my bed and well into the morning and I love the cuddles. :-)

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So basically I just wanted to know where did you sleep your pup?

Both of mine started sleeping on my bed........................they still do.....................they're Great Danes :rolleyes:

YIKES! :idea:

Kuma started out in the laundry, behind a baby gate. Moved to a new house and he was still set up in the laundry... he seems to like it. Either there or outside in his kennel.

He is a winter dog, so it was not uncommon to see him stretched out on the cold concrete patio in minus degree temps, but with the new kennel he curls up in there.

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Genevieve slept in her crate in the laundry up until about 4 months... she had ideas of partying all night long! I then let her sleep on our bed and now she generally sleeps the whole night... unless Hubby gets up to go the toilet!!! It is fine if I get up, but if he gets up, she thinks 'game on!'. She gets put in her crate at the end of our bed when she does this, but it doesn't stop her from making a noise and scratching to get out. He is her play thing, so she thinks. :rolleyes: So... still working on that one!

I have had less behavioural problems during the day, since she has been sleeping on the bed.

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My puppy, Stanley (now 16 weeks old) sleeps in his wire crate in my in-built wardrobe inside my bedroom. It is small and cozy for him, and he also can directly see my bed. I think this has helped him settle into his new home, as he has slept though the night since 9 weeks old. :rolleyes:

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Genevieve slept in her crate in the laundry up until about 4 months... she had ideas of partying all night long! I then let her sleep on our bed and now she generally sleeps the whole night... unless Hubby gets up to go the toilet!!! It is fine if I get up, but if he gets up, she thinks 'game on!'. She gets put in her crate at the end of our bed when she does this, but it doesn't stop her from making a noise and scratching to get out. He is her play thing, so she thinks. :rolleyes: So... still working on that one!

I have had less behavioural problems during the day, since she has been sleeping on the bed.

Every dog in the world wants to live at your place :idea: spoiled little baby she is and beautiful to boot.

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Genevieve slept in her crate in the laundry up until about 4 months... she had ideas of partying all night long! I then let her sleep on our bed and now she generally sleeps the whole night... unless Hubby gets up to go the toilet!!! It is fine if I get up, but if he gets up, she thinks 'game on!'. She gets put in her crate at the end of our bed when she does this, but it doesn't stop her from making a noise and scratching to get out. He is her play thing, so she thinks. :laugh: So... still working on that one!

I have had less behavioural problems during the day, since she has been sleeping on the bed.

Every dog in the world wants to live at your place :rofl: spoiled little baby she is and beautiful to boot.

Awww... thank you!

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