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Poo Phobia

black magic

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Scout is really funny about her poo :laugh:

If we are in the backyard playing with her toys and I throw one, if lands next to a poo she won't touch it.

Today her favourite ball rolled over a poo and she so wanted to continue playing but the fact that the ball touched the poo freaked her out. She stood infront of it tried to roll it towards her with a very light paw, then moved to the other side and tapped it ever so gently to try and get it, she then looked at me with a really funny look on her face and took herself to bed :laugh:

Anyone else have a dog that does the same?

ETA: I do poo patrol every day so our backyard doesn't have heaps in it

Edited by black magic
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A while back I had a trainer out for one of my dogs and he kept refusing to respond to her when working in part of the yard. It took me a while to work out he was refusing to go into "poo corner". Once she moved her lesson area he was wonderfully responsive.

So yup I've got a poo phobic dog as well. :laugh:

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Yep. Pepper is the same. She wont go near a ball etc if it's even within sniffing distance of poo. No way would she try to tap it away with her paw.

If theres poo on a footpath she gets all nose-in-the-air and high-steps her way around it. I've seen her go around bushes and squeeze through narrow spaces just to avoid doggy-do in her way.

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My Dobe would not go within 6 metres of a poo and wouldn't go near a wee unless she was cocking her leg over it. She would screw up her face and go sideways until out of the "germzone"

Was a real bugger when showing and doing obedience. If a dog fouled the ring in obedience there was no way she would work. In the show ring she would swing her bum out to try and get away as much as possible.

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I have one too, Cooper hates his own and the other 3s pooh as well. Side skirts around it and will go as far as possible away to pooh if we are out and about! Funny dogs....

Edited to add is it Poo or Pooh? I'd hate to be in politically correct about pooh/poo :laugh:

Edited by tlc
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Yes, my dog does exactly as you described. I can always tell when her cuz has been rolled over a poo, as she does a big sideways leap to the side when she goes to pick it up.....and then barks at it. I have to wash the cuz before she'll play with it again.

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Edited to add is it Poo or Pooh? I'd hate to be in politically correct about pooh/poo :confused:

Poo :eek:

Pooh is a bear :laugh:

Just what I was going to say! When I first saw the 'pooh' spelling, I thought you were all being wierd about dog toys! :eek:

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James has a certain area of the garden where he prefers to poo and he won't touch a toy that falls anywhere in the vicinity. He'll pause and study it for a moment before deciding that there are better things to do.

It's only a toy thing though - he's happy to run through that part of the garden. He just won't touch toys that go there.

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Satchmo is a poo-hater as well. He literally tiptoes through poo corner to find a spot to go. We've put poo in holes to stop him digging before, when he realises it's there he gives you this look like, "You disgusting human being! Why in God's name would you put THAT in THERE????" :confused:

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My Daisy hate poos. Hers, other dogs, bird, chicken, horse. It's all icky. If she's walking along, just sniffing around and encounters poo she wrinkles her nose and goes around it as far as she can. She won't eat her bone if it's been near poo.

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James has a certain area of the garden where he prefers to poo and he won't touch a toy that falls anywhere in the vicinity. He'll pause and study it for a moment before deciding that there are better things to do.

It's only a toy thing though - he's happy to run through that part of the garden. He just won't touch toys that go there.

My elkhound does exactly the same thing. If, while playing fetch, his toy lands anywhere in the vicinity of the poo area, he would turn away and expect us to fetch the toy for him :confused:

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My Daisy hate poos. Hers, other dogs, bird, chicken, horse. It's all icky. If she's walking along, just sniffing around and encounters poo she wrinkles her nose and goes around it as far as she can. She won't eat her bone if it's been near poo.

Other animals' poo is fair game for my self poo-hater. Duck truffles are his favourite.

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