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Frog Legs


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Hi All,

So who's dogs lay down with the frog legs? Is this a sign of anything bad? Heard different rumours but it amazes me how they do it. She only started this few weeks ago.

Even though I find it cute, and several of my previous rotties did this, wondering who else's dogs do this?? and if any pics pls upload :D



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I have a froggie too. Very common and means nothing... though having said that, in my experience dogs that do lay that way often do it on the cooler surfaced floors, so there could be a link to a warmer pup/dog and trying to gain a larger cooling surface.

Please excuse the muddy puppy floors.

Added, dogs with bad hips do this too.



Edited by dyzney
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James has always done it - we call it his dugong pose.

Good to hear there's nothing to it. I used to find it worrying.

I am melting over your rottie pup, Dyzney :D Too adorable!

Thanks Niques, her name is Fame, and she is as cute as a button... but then I am biased.

James is a huge spunk too.

adza_baby, your little girl is just so gorgeous.

It is a very cute position when they do it. We always run for the camera.

Edited by dyzney
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