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How Dedicated Are You?


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So... hands up if you've ever turned up to training only to find the lights off, paddock empty and you are the only one there because no one else is lame enough to want to train in the rain? Totally hypothetical of course :rofl::love: (except for the fact that I did that tonight :love:)

Not only that but the last obedience trial we went to I had badly sprained my ankle the night before, almost a month later, and it's still damaged and sore, apparently because I didn't rest it long enough... pfffft :laugh:

Tell me I'm not the only one whose done something silly in the name dog sports/training/etc :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by huski
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:love: You have lights :laugh: Lucky you!!

Well we train on a Sunday morning and there has been many a week that me and the others couple of trainers turn up (I guess we have too :rofl:) to no one else, die hard dog tragics for sure and then been silly enough to train in the rain. :love: we do have a few big trees that we try to get a bit of shelter under. We only have a couple of attendants that will usually come in all weather. It's the really hot days that I dislike.

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In agility you usually find out if it has been cancelled due to rain. I had an occasion where I have turned up, we have set up and then it started to rain :laugh: We still trained that time. Have also come when very few other people have showed up.

In obedience I remember coming one time, and there was a storm while we were there :love: We trained stays under some cover :rofl:

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Hang on huski - I ran and got two masters passes (one agility and one jumping) to finish off Ness's JDM title all with a badly sprained ankle. I also hobbled around an obedience ring the day before.

And yep a friend and I showed up to find training cancelled due to the rain and we still trained :laugh: .

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The sad thing is, is that I had my training session all planned out in my head, I was even going take video to upload to youtube tonight. Stupid weather :rofl:

We went home and practiced fronts and flip finishes instead but it wasn't as fun as training :love: I don't have room to do a whole heel pattern at my house (inside OR outside) or equipment to practice with OR people to chat with :laugh:

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I've wimped out on night training for the last couple of months. Have gone to every Sunday training session though regardless of the weather. Our ground is just gross at the moment so it hasn't been much fun squishing through the mud.

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When I first started out I loved training in bad weather because all the annoying people didn't show up (always late, held up the class, bought the wrong lead wrong collar, forgot poo bags, dog not toileted, hasn't done the homework types) and those days were always the best training sessions.

Have trained when it was snowing, done seminars in very extreme heat and it's not unusual for me to do a 15 hour day to do a trial. Less than 12 hours is bliss :laugh:

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I've showed up in the rain, and when I'm not well. But not when Frosty is unwell. Um.

Last week - I had tummy upset. So had to pay quick visits before and after training, proving Frosty can live with out me. Though she's fairly used to me disappearing in there now, she just waits. If I disappear somewhere she's not expecting - all hell breaks loose.

Agility did not go well - as being chained to the porcelain bus meant I was late (sorry all), and therefore Frosty tried to meet and greet and get her possum poo fix during class. I think, for reasons Pele would understand - I really need to stop the possum poo fixing completely. Not that I've exactly been encouraging it. Sheesh. I have seen people just chuck stuff in that park that they think dogs or magpies might like, not to mention copious quantities of spilled treats from the previous class's training. The owners with puppies are so clumsy.

We went out the back and practiced recalls - and of course - she was perfect. Sigh. I left early. Gut instinct, you might say. (I've seen emoticons for that but I'm not going to look for it).

Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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I don't train in the rain, it's not fun and I'd pull out of a trial if it was too wet, but maybe I'm a wuss :love: .

I am the biggest wuss ever, especially as my hair gets ruined in the rain makes me look most unattractive :rofl: However, Daisy doesn't mind training in the rain, and did a perfect down stay last time we went to training and it rained :love: She was NOT impressed that she was put straight back in the car tonight! She had a classic "WTF" expression on her face LOL. She would have loved to have stayed to train in the cold, dark, rain :laugh::rofl:

Edited by huski
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I don't train in the rain, it's not fun and I'd pull out of a trial if it was too wet, but maybe I'm a wuss :love: .

I am the biggest wuss ever, especially as my hair gets ruined in the rain makes me look most unattractive :rofl: However, Daisy doesn't mind training in the rain, and did a perfect down stay last time we went to training and it rained :love: She was NOT impressed that she was put straight back in the car tonight! She had a classic "WTF" expression on her face LOL. She would have loved to have stayed to train in the cold, dark, rain :laugh::rofl:

Daisy is dedicated :rofl:

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Our obedience club doesn't like to train when it's too wet - because the ground floods, it gets slippery and covered in flood debris. So there is a real risk (it happens) of handlers falling over, and the dogs get mighty distracted with all the new yummy smells.

I've been told training agility when it's wet and slippery can risk injury to dog and handler if they slip and / or fall over. So I guess it's a matter of deciding if there is good grip or if the place is too slippery. My club's worst time of year is Autumn when the tree leaves and rain grease up the ground something special. Need spiked boots to stay right side up.

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Trained in the rain, the heat and the cold. Done the under car headlights thing once. Half dark is a regular occurence but I figure that means she really will use her nose for seek back.

Most dedicated (or dumbest not sure which) training 3 days post shoulder surgery.

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I kind of have a bet each way. I'll confess to being a weather wimp, and occasionally I am secretly glad when the oval is closed due to downpour if I'm feeling fragile.

But I have trained twice with broken ribs, (the first time got up off the ground after having a rib broken, and continued the class). Once did agility when it was below freezing and I was the only student who show up, and have achieved an obedience pass during a thunder storm. So I think qualify for an award of merit.

My dogs prefer to stay in if it's cold, wet and windy. We are very compatible that way.

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Yep Huski I turn up for training in the rain just like I did last night as well :o I figgure that if we have to trial in the rain why not train in it also ;) Myf was quite upset when I did not take her out of the car last night for training poor little mite that she is.

I to am one of those people that will still trial even if I have had an injury there have been many a time when I have sprained my ankle or rolled it and still continued on with trialing one fine example of this was at the Brisbane Royal this year during the Agility my first run that I did I fell over my old girl and rolled my ankle the people that were watching all gasped as I did it and were surprised that I kept going in the course.

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Not that dedicated any more! I used to be really really dedicated and remember once turning up at training and I was the ONLY actual student (with a few instructors). Thankfully (or unfortunately) my current club grounds get really really boggy and flooded when it rains heavily so we tend to call training off if it's still raining or has been raining a lot during the day. But I did rock up at a trial in the pouring rain the other day and will do so again! And I do occasionally go out and train in the rain to ensure my dog doesn't get too complacent but I'd rather it not rain, especially when it's a bit cold as well! LOL

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This one is a bit more extreme than bad weather. Years ago I used to do flyball with my old Dobe and one of the ladies that was in our team had a miscarriage the day before a comp. :laugh: She insisted on still coming and competing with her dog, partly because she didn't want to lets us down (we didn't have a reliable reserve) and also because she loved it so much and didn't want to miss out. I think that it helped her cope at the time. She didn't want to sit around and dwell on it I think.

We all used to turn up to training rain or shine. We all got on very well together and as well as being a dog training club, we were all friends and it was a social thing too. We would often be there hours after the classes had finished, chatting and helping each other out.

I will ad that the rest of the team placed NO pressure on her to compete. In fact she had to work hard to convince us that we shouldn't pull out of the comp.

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