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12 Sydney Dogs Poisoined In Parks


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I would love for this bastard to end up in jail for 2 years, as the article stipulates, and end up being someone's bitch (assuming it is a male)! I doubt that he will be sented to 2 years unfortunately. It seems that animal cruelty is on the increase, tragically!

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Those idiot commenters are blaming the dog owners and raving on about "this wouldn't happen if dogs were on leads/had their poo cleaned up" and what not. Flamin heck. The dogs aren't at fault here!!!!! The poisoners are but if they must try to blame "the victim" then it's the dog owners they have a problem with. So by their twisted idiotic "they asked for it" logic, shouldn't they be supporting the poisoning the dog owners and not the dogs???? Not that there's any logic in any of it of course.

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What a sicko... :cry::

Some of those comments must be from non-pet owners..

Yes, it is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their pet and noboby likes to step on doggy business while at a park. But to deliberately leave poisoned food to harm dogs and make them suffer is not the answer!

Poor dogs, they never did a thing wrong.. I hope that they catch this moron soon.

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This woman is clearly an insane lunatic with no rational understanding of effective deterrents or behaviour...I mean as if putting down random poison meatballs for random pets really fixes the poo situation. The dogs that are getting poisoned are not even necessarily owned by someone that doesn't pick up their poo, these owners may even be like the vast majority of this community and pick up any poo that may have been left behind at the same time as they pick up their own. Most owners around here are diligent about cleaning up after their dogs so it is just too stupid to comprehend. There are many members of the community, rangers and police watching out for this harpy though so hopefully they will catch her and fine her the $22K. I would get advice on whether I could personally sue for my vet costs if she'd poisoned my dog as well, may she go bankrupt and/or rot in a gaol....

Edited by Rottigirl
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