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Elective C-section


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I have a bitch due to whelp in a couple of weeks. She is not very big and I strongly suspect 1 or at most 2 pups and given it was a c-section last time strongly suspect it will be one again esp given the low puppy numbers. She is due on the Saturday and my vet is not on duty that weekend so I would have to go with a strange vet. I am considering doing an elective on the Friday but am not sure if that will compromise the puppy. I did 2 matings 1 day apart and the Saturday is 63 days to the first mating. Has anyone done this?

Over the weekend we have to use the duty vet and it could be a horse vet with little to no small animal experience. I have been very lucky previously as my vet has always came in esp to do it but he isn't available this time

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Did you do progesterone testing when she was in season. She is due 63 days from ovulation, not from mating, so if you know when she ovulated you can pick the exact day to do the caesar. The other option is to prog test around when she is due and wait for the drop. Most vets prefer to do this for an elective anyway because the risk of bleeding is greater before the progesterone level drops.

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Unfortunately progesterone testing won't be possible and weren't done when she was mated. They are sent away to another city and it takes around 36 hours to get results back which simply isn't practical and they aren't open over the weekend anyhow. She was well through her season when I first mated her and wasn't overly keen for the second mating 48 hours later. I intend to take her in for x-rays and will discuss options with him then but was hoping for some ideas first.

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Guest Doglady0419
Unfortunately progesterone testing won't be possible and weren't done when she was mated. They are sent away to another city and it takes around 36 hours to get results back which simply isn't practical and they aren't open over the weekend anyhow. She was well through her season when I first mated her and wasn't overly keen for the second mating 48 hours later. I intend to take her in for x-rays and will discuss options with him then but was hoping for some ideas first.

I had my bitch mated on day 9 and vaginal swabs suggested she was ovulating on day 11,12,13......she was mated twice on the same day and produced 8 pups on day 66.....for her first litter, she was mated again on day 9 with 3 matings 48 hrs apart, whelped 9 pups on day 64.

A friend of mine used the same sire and did an AI.....only one pup via c-section.

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Unfortunately progesterone testing won't be possible and weren't done when she was mated. They are sent away to another city and it takes around 36 hours to get results back which simply isn't practical and they aren't open over the weekend anyhow. She was well through her season when I first mated her and wasn't overly keen for the second mating 48 hours later. I intend to take her in for x-rays and will discuss options with him then but was hoping for some ideas first.

At least that sounds promising that she was probably mated after ovulation, in which case she may go into labour before the weekend anyway. Do you know if your breed tends to mate before, at or after ovulation? In other words do they usually whelp after, at or before 63 days from mating? It does tend to be a breed thing of when they mate. Some breeds like mine, usually whelp at 60-63 days post mating and anything after 63 days is usually a problem. Some other breeds normally whelp 64-66 days post mating because they mate early. Having that sort of info about your breed can help make a decision in these circumstances.

Try to find out as much information as you can before discussing options with your vet. I don't envy you or any other breeders that don't have ready access to wonderful repro specialist vets that are on call 24/7, like I have. Don't think I would be game to breed without them.

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Guest Doglady0419
Unfortunately progesterone testing won't be possible and weren't done when she was mated. They are sent away to another city and it takes around 36 hours to get results back which simply isn't practical and they aren't open over the weekend anyhow. She was well through her season when I first mated her and wasn't overly keen for the second mating 48 hours later. I intend to take her in for x-rays and will discuss options with him then but was hoping for some ideas first.

At least that sounds promising that she was probably mated after ovulation, in which case she may go into labour before the weekend anyway. Do you know if your breed tends to mate before, at or after ovulation? In other words do they usually whelp after, at or before 63 days from mating? It does tend to be a breed thing of when they mate. Some breeds like mine, usually whelp at 60-63 days post mating and anything after 63 days is usually a problem. Some other breeds normally whelp 64-66 days post mating because they mate early. Having that sort of info about your breed can help make a decision in these circumstances.

Try to find out as much information as you can before discussing options with your vet. I don't envy you or any other breeders that don't have ready access to wonderful repro specialist vets that are on call 24/7, like I have. Don't think I would be game to breed without them.

I think it is just my bitch.....when I mated her mother, she whelped on day 61......I also think it depends on lines......some tell me that their bitches don't come into season before 18mths old.....mine all have come in between 8 mths - 11mths....and then 6 monthly there after....

I had a bitch here for mating.....she was on day 8 when she came to stay.....she stood on day 11 and a vaginal swab told me that she was ovulating....she was still standing on day 15 where the dogs mated and tied......the bitch actually deflated on day 13 and I really didn't think anymore mating would take place but it did.

My dog was mated to a bitch that ovulated on day 30 via a progesterone test......did an AI and 2 natural mating the next day.....63 days later she whelped 9 pups. She wanted to rip my boys head off prior.....

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At least that sounds promising that she was probably mated after ovulation, in which case she may go into labour before the weekend anyway. Do you know if your breed tends to mate before, at or after ovulation? In other words do they usually whelp after, at or before 63 days from mating? It does tend to be a breed thing of when they mate. Some breeds like mine, usually whelp at 60-63 days post mating and anything after 63 days is usually a problem. Some other breeds normally whelp 64-66 days post mating because they mate early. Having that sort of info about your breed can help make a decision in these circumstances.

Try to find out as much information as you can before discussing options with your vet. I don't envy you or any other breeders that don't have ready access to wonderful repro specialist vets that are on call 24/7, like I have. Don't think I would be game to breed without them.

My breed seldom whelps naturally after 63 days, more normal would be 59-63 but this girls previous litter went right to 63 days and the was c-section because she has a large amount of green discharge. I think doing an elective on what would be day 62 is safest for Chilli as she will receive the best care by a great vet and that is the most important thing but I am also mindful that the litter is sired by my 10yr old who has been a very sick dog so this might be my last chance to get something dwon from him.

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At least that sounds promising that she was probably mated after ovulation, in which case she may go into labour before the weekend anyway. Do you know if your breed tends to mate before, at or after ovulation? In other words do they usually whelp after, at or before 63 days from mating? It does tend to be a breed thing of when they mate. Some breeds like mine, usually whelp at 60-63 days post mating and anything after 63 days is usually a problem. Some other breeds normally whelp 64-66 days post mating because they mate early. Having that sort of info about your breed can help make a decision in these circumstances.

Try to find out as much information as you can before discussing options with your vet. I don't envy you or any other breeders that don't have ready access to wonderful repro specialist vets that are on call 24/7, like I have. Don't think I would be game to breed without them.

My breed seldom whelps naturally after 63 days, more normal would be 59-63 but this girls previous litter went right to 63 days and the was c-section because she has a large amount of green discharge. I think doing an elective on what would be day 62 is safest for Chilli as she will receive the best care by a great vet and that is the most important thing but I am also mindful that the litter is sired by my 10yr old who has been a very sick dog so this might be my last chance to get something dwon from him.

Ok, sounds like a good idea then. An elective caesar if often a much safer option with a bitch that has already had problems and the skill of the vet is very important. Good luck with it and hope mum and babies are all fine for you.

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I have French Bulldogs and c sections are the norm for them and I always do elective sections.

I have a very good vet with whom works with me when a bitch is due, the procedure is, a week before due date I begin taking temps morning and evening and keep a record of the readings, when the bitch is 59 days she goes for a pre section check up and from that day I report to my vet the readings, once the temp starts to drop, usually about this time and whe it gets steady at 37 degrees she goes over and has the c section and without fail all of my btiches are done on day 60 or 61 with strong well developed babies delivered.

Hope this helps.

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Will there be an experienced vet nurse around? Could make quite a difference if you end out going in for an emergency and the vet is a horse guy/

I have a bitch due to whelp in a couple of weeks. She is not very big and I strongly suspect 1 or at most 2 pups and given it was a c-section last time strongly suspect it will be one again esp given the low puppy numbers. She is due on the Saturday and my vet is not on duty that weekend so I would have to go with a strange vet. I am considering doing an elective on the Friday but am not sure if that will compromise the puppy. I did 2 matings 1 day apart and the Saturday is 63 days to the first mating. Has anyone done this?

Over the weekend we have to use the duty vet and it could be a horse vet with little to no small animal experience. I have been very lucky previously as my vet has always came in esp to do it but he isn't available this time

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I've done two electives but not without a clear temp drop and/or a prog reading...

have heard several horror stories over the years from people who just picked a date close to the time :)

Edited by Aziah
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If you are going to have the emergency vet on the weekend, would it be worthwhile waiting (if you can) till the monday?

keep taking temps etc, if on thurs at any time it drops, get it done on friday, but Id be inclined to try to hold off till the monday first thing, if you are not 100% positive that she will have them early.

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