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Issues With Converting Raw

Guest english.ivy

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Guest belgian.blue

OK I don't think I really need to be using RAW but I have a couple in RAW format that I really want to share but I can't seem to convert them :eek:

I was suggested to use Lightroom [so I downloaded this] and told the ways to convert but I can't get it to work.

Please please please help!!

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Did you get it to work?

let me know and I can try to walk you through it - it's super easy in lightroom once you know how. And you can make it an export preset so you only have to do it once then on the next ones you can simply click one thing to make it go :thumbsup:

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Guest belgian.blue

Well just got it to work in Picasa! Thank you CrazyCresties :cry:

I only got Lightroom as a trial version, but now I know how to do it Picasa then I should be dandy now.

Thanks for helping my daftness!

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