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There is a brown container and a clear container of Permoxin, different prices. Can someone tell me what is the difference?


Permoxin can be used as an insecticidal pyrethrin spray or rinse for the control of flies, ticks and biting insects. Aids in the control of Queensland Itch.

Composition Permethrin (25:75 cis:trans) 40 g/L.

Actions Third generation synthetic pyrethroid which acts on the neuromuscular system of flies and fleas. Pyrethroids are more photostable than natural pyrethrins. Permethrin (25:75) has the lowest level of dermal irritation and systemic toxicity of any of these third generation pyrethroids. Permethrin also has an insect repellent action giving treatment and control of insect bite allergies.

Indications Pyrethroid sensitive flies (Haematobia irritans exigua, Stomoxys calcitrans) and biting insects (Culicoides sp.) on horses; fleas (Ctenocephalides felis, Ct. canis) on dogs; flea allergy dermatitis (summer eczema) on dogs, Queensland itch on horses; ticks (Rhipicephalus sp.) and paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) on dogs.

Contraindications Cats or puppies < 12 weeks old. Do not use Permoxin diluted with methylated spirit on broken skin.

Precautions Avoid contact with animals' eyes and mouth.

Safety directions. Will irritate the skin. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear gloves if sensitive.

First aid. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.

Withholding Periods Meat. 28 days.

Directions for use Spray. 10 mL/400 mL water (or methylated spirit for rapid drying). Spray entire animal and allow to dry on coat.

Rinse. Apply 10 mL/400 mL water solution to wet coat after shampooing and rinsing, or dry coat. Use sponge to assist application; foaming does not effect efficacy.

For insect bite allergy, spray daily until symptoms are controlled, then as required. For flea control, use at least every seven days. For tick control, apply as a rinse every seven days. Daily inspection of the animal is essential in paralysis tick areas.


Permoxin alleviates flea allergy dermatitis and paralysis tick on dogs and 'Queensland Itch' on horses. Controls of biting insects and flies. PERMOXIN also has an insect repellant action providing treatment and control of insect bite allergies for cattle, horses and dogs.

Active ingredient: permethrin

Permoxin is indicated for:

Horses: Fly Nuisance (stable fly, buffalo fly, sandfly); Management of Queensland Itch

Safe for use on pregnant and lactating animals

Active constituents: 4.0% Permethrin 25:75(cis:trans) A highly effective insecticide and tickicide with insect repellent activity.

Highly Effective Tickicide and Insecticide. In laboratory trials, a single application of PERMOXIN prevents tick attachment for over two weeks and resulted in greater than 98% flea control for 20 days.

Flea and Insect Repellent. When applied daily to flea allergic dogs, PERMOXIN repels fleas and gives relief to the pruritic dog. In fact, the high safety margin means that Permoxin can be applied as often as needed, to maintain the repellent action.

Binds to the Hair Coat. PERMOXIN utilises advanced technology which allows it to bind to clean hair and skin for long acting effectiveness. Peak activity is maintained by regular weekly top up rinses to produce saturation of the hair coat.

Resists Inactivation by Light. This ensures a longer duration of action than the natural pyrethrins which decompose rapidly on exposure to air and light

Directions for use

Use as a Spray or Rinse

Dilute to 1:40 (as directed by label) in water, or methylated spirits if a rapid drying spray is required. Spray or rinse as directed.


Edited by I ♥ Bindi~Boo
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Different maker? what is written on each label? What is written in teh ingredient label?

oops sorry perse, just saw this, will have a look. :confused:

ok have edited the first post with more information.

All gobbly gook to me. :eek:

Edited by I ♥ Bindi~Boo
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I have never bought in a brown container.. have just bought a litre in the normal container , so can't help, sorry...Those labels read slightly differently (BIG PRINT) .

Permoxin is great here- it is one of the few things which will kill the stickfast(rabbit) fleas the dogs have!It doesn't smell strongly, and has like a wetting agaent in, so a little goes a LONG way .:eek:

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I am wondering if permoxin really works.

I would like to use it as spray but have a few questions:

1. What happens if a dog licks it

2.Can be preventative measurement i.e. you spray before bush walking...or dog parks

3.Any member who used this treatment for mini schnauzer or s/tzu? Any concerns?

4. Any side effects you experienced?

If you can share your experiences, that would be really great. I am preparing for summer ;) :)


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I am wondering if permoxin really works.

I would like to use it as spray but have a few questions:

1. What happens if a dog licks it

2.Can be preventative measurement i.e. you spray before bush walking...or dog parks

3.Any member who used this treatment for mini schnauzer or s/tzu? Any concerns?

4. Any side effects you experienced?

If you can share your experiences, that would be really great. I am preparing for summer :(:grouphug:


I use it daily, mainly for flies and those tiny midges as my dog is allergic to insect bites etc, it is non - toxic to dogs but is toxic to Goldfish and cats, our vet said that the cat would really nee to lick a lot to be affected ( our cat grooms our dog but we have had no issues). I have had no side effects here. It is actually made from some plant i believe?

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I use Permoxin as a preventative before going bush ... and again once I am home (as I am paranoid).

My youngest GSD is a bit sensitive and had a reaction to a spray (can't remember the name of the top of my head) I had put on him to repel flies from his ears - he has had absolutely no reaction to Permoxin.

My borther had sprayed our older boy with the Permoxin and used his hand to rub over the dog etc while he was spraying it (so we could sure the dog was well covered in the spray) - my brother did get a bit of rash on his forearms (but he didn't wash his hands after application) ... but I have never had this reaction.

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