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Can You Actually Detect A Silent Heat?


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Are there any little clues that an experienced person would be able to pick up to tell if a dog is going through a silent heat?

A lot of bitches still swell even though they don't discharge so any swelling of the vulva should be considered to mean something :eek:

Are male dogs attracted to female dogs who are having a silent heat?

If it's a real season including ovulation, yes.

A vet friend told me the first heat is usually silent?

Wow, could they come and tell that to my two bleeding 9 month old bitches! This is not what I have found to be true, and not something I've ever even heard of before. Silent heats in breeds I'm familiar with are extremely unusual.

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Guest Doglady0419
Are there any little clues that an experienced person would be able to pick up to tell if a dog is going through a silent heat?

Are male dogs attracted to female dogs who are having a silent heat?

A vet friend told me the first heat is usually silent?

Hi aussielover......

My aussie bitch whom is now 8 years old always had a silent season up until I mated her for her first litter.....after that her seasons were no longer silent.

The vulva swells and instead of a visable bloody discharge the discharge was clear but still detectable.....If you have a vaginal swab done the cells will show that she is in season and can detect when she is ovulating.

Detection needs dilligent monitoring.......

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Guest Doglady0419
Are there any little clues that an experienced person would be able to pick up to tell if a dog is going through a silent heat?

Are male dogs attracted to female dogs who are having a silent heat?

A vet friend told me the first heat is usually silent?

Hi aussielover......

My aussie bitch whom is now 8 years old always had a silent season up until I mated her for her first litter.....after that her seasons were no longer silent.

The vulva swells and instead of a visable bloody discharge the discharge was clear but still detectable.....If you have a vaginal swab done the cells will show that she is in season and can detect when she is ovulating.

Detection needs dilligent monitoring.......

A vet friend told me the first heat is usually silent?

Due respect to your vet friend.....I have found that NOT ALL vets are up with reproduction and his/her comment regarding the first heat usually being silent is not true! I own several bitches and none have had silent seasons. All the bitches either a daughter or grand daughter of my 8 year old.

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Most bitches do not have silent seasons, first or later but the ones that have true silent seasons are impossible to detect, except by a stud dog.

None of mine have ever had them but I have known of bitches that do not swell at all and have no discharge but have been mated by a dog that picked up on the season. Others are simply detected by the dogs and their owners have to assume the bitch is in season by the dog's behaviour, even though there are no signs.

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Never had a 1st silent heat. It was always obvious they were on heat.

One experience of a silent heat, not her 1st season. No swelling, no discharge, no tarting with the other girls, no flagging of her tail, no boys interest & then

One day the male went to mount her, the other bitch was on heat so I said off, wrong girl silly. No tie, 30 seconds on her back & 9 weeks later 4 puppies. :thumbsup: Experienced yes, I had no idea or indication at all.

I do have a cat that always has silent heats, its a pain. Put her in with the stud & he either knows or ignores her.

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Most of mine bleed heavily on the first season . . . but I did have one girl who I though was pretty old not to have come in season (20 months). I took her to a repro vet for diagnosis and he said "no problem . . . she's been on season, you just missed it". And I'll bet there are plenty people out there who have only found out about the girl having had her first season when it's apparent that pups are on the way.

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Thanks for your replies!

Mindy is going in for desexing next week anyway.

Previously we were unsure of whether she would be desexed before or after the first season (recessed vulva) so i wanted to make sure i knew the signs of coming into heat as she is approaching the age...

Now the vet is saying it is probably ok to do her before her first season as she hasn't had any UTIs since 10 weeks old.

They will check her when she get there but imo, her vulva seems to have "come good" and looks fairly normal now.

Has anyone else had a dog that has had a recessed vulva "popping out" before 6 months/first heat?

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