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Hinch Vows To End To 'cruel' Puppy Farm Trade


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I'm not too keen on Derryn Hinch but this is good news from him


Hinch vows to end to 'cruel' puppy farm trade

By Sarah Collerton

Joining the fight: Derryn Hinch holds his wife's dog, Scrappy Muttley (Supplied)

Map: Melbourne 3000

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High-profile broadcaster Derryn Hinch says shops should stop selling pets in order to shut down the "cruel and brutal" puppy farm trade.

Hinch, who will be speaking at a rally against puppy farms in Melbourne on Sunday, joined the fight against the industry after suspecting his own caboodle came from one.

Animal activists have long called for a ban on puppy farms, which see dogs used as breeding machines for profit.

They argue the dogs on the farms often live in filthy and cramped conditions, their coats are often matted with faeces and they get no veterinary attention when they are suffering.

In the worst cases dogs are kept in tiny cages with little human contact and they develop physical and psychological problems.

Dog-breeding regulations vary across Australia and breeders are difficult to monitor and even harder to prosecute.

But Hinch says one of the best ways to get rid of puppy farms would be to stop pet shops selling pets.

"Shut down the business. It's a very lucrative business," he told ABC News Online.

"In some countries now, you can't sell pets in pet shops and I think it's the way it will possibly happen eventually in Australia.

"It sounds crazy, but eventually you're going to find that pet shops will not be allowed to sell pets.

"You'll still have pet shops to sell leashes and collars and treats and dog food, but you won't have these little cute puppies sitting in the window."

Hinch is horrified to think that his own dog, which he bought from a "legitimate" Melbourne pet store, is most likely from "a puppy factory".

He now works to raise awareness of the "cruel and brutal system" and encourages people to buy puppies from the lost dogs' homes or the RSPCA.

"Most people are ignorant of puppy farms - when they find out what they actually are they'll be really shocked," he said.

"These are literally dog factories in which they just use the mothers to have litter after litter after litter.

"When you get your cute little dog, find out where it's come from. See if it's got papers, see if it comes from a legitimate breeder, not just from some vague place out in the country."

'Not all bad'

But Malcolm Rolton, who works for the Banksia Park Puppy Farm east of Melbourne, says the industry is not all bad.

"We like to think that we're at the cutting edge of the good end of the puppy farm business," he told ABC News Online.

Banksia produces about 2,000 puppies a year, making it one of the biggest puppy producers in Australia.

"It sounds like a massive lot of puppies, but the infrastructure that is there is quite fantastic," Mr Rolton said.

He acknowledges some puppy farms do the wrong thing, but he says Banksia is clean, the dogs' beds are regularly changed and there is heating for the puppies during winter.

"The dogs are probably looked after better than a lot of people's living conditions," he said.

Mr Rolton says Banksia's large staff includes vets, groomers and people who simply play with the dogs. They even hired Mr Rolton to handle the "hurtful" negative publicity they face.

Banksia, owned by the Hams family who have been in the dog-breeding industry for 50 years, sells most of its puppies to pet stores.

Mr Rolton does not think it would be fair to stop puppies from being sold in shops.

"I find the puppy shops we deal with do care an enormous amount about the puppies," he said.

"Pet shops sell a lot less puppies than what is sold online.

"Most of the unscrupulous deals are the ones that are happening on the internet, rather than the actual puppy shops."

But Hinch doubts the puppies are well treated at any puppy farm - he says he is yet to come across one where the dogs are well-treated.

"In the old days they say that some battery hen institutions were not as bad as others - I don't think that argument washes," he said.

Edited to add...a pox on Malcolm Rolton

Edited by Boronia
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But Malcolm Rolton, who works for the Banksia Park Puppy Farm east of Melbourne, says the industry is not all bad.

"We like to think that we're at the cutting edge of the good end of the puppy farm business," he told ABC News Online.

Banksia produces about 2,000 puppies a year, making it one of the biggest puppy producers in Australia.

"It sounds like a massive lot of puppies, but the infrastructure that is there is quite fantastic," Mr Rolton said.

He acknowledges some puppy farms do the wrong thing, but he says Banksia is clean, the dogs' beds are regularly changed and there is heating for the puppies during winter.

"The dogs are probably looked after better than a lot of people's living conditions," he said.

Mr Rolton says Banksia's large staff includes vets, groomers and people who simply play with the dogs. They even hired Mr Rolton to handle the "hurtful" negative publicity they face.

Banksia, owned by the Hams family who have been in the dog-breeding industry for 50 years, sells most of its puppies to pet stores.

Mr Rolton does not think it would be fair to stop puppies from being sold in shops.

"I find the puppy shops we deal with do care an enormous amount about the puppies," he said.

"Pet shops sell a lot less puppies than what is sold online.

"Most of the unscrupulous deals are the ones that are happening on the internet, rather than the actual puppy shops."

But Hinch doubts the puppies are well treated at any puppy farm - he says he is yet to come across one where the dogs are well-treated.

"In the old days they say that some battery hen institutions were not as bad as others - I don't think that argument washes," he said.

Edited to add...a pox on Malcolm Rolton

Nothing good in my opinion will ever come out of puppy farming, and so far as being at the "good end" there is no good end to puppy "FARMING" IMO

At least Hinch is trying to educate people about the situation

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I love Hinch. :hug:

He is cranky, cantankerous & speaks his mind no matter how unwise & what the consequences are for himself.

He was probably horrified when he realised all this after buying his own dog that way.

Love him or hate him he certainly says what needs to be said with no beating about the bush.

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I love Hinch. :thumbsup:

He is cranky, cantankerous & speaks his mind no matter how unwise & what the consequences are for himself.

He was probably horrified when he realised all this after buying his own dog that way.

Love him or hate him he certainly says what needs to be said with no beating about the bush.

Yes exactly, (and he doesn't hold back when 'go-ing at' the scum of society such as child molestors etc.) it's good for him to say Hey, look we bought a dog from a Pet Shop and we didn't realise either!

So many people just don't realise. I didn't when I was younger, I bought dogs from Markets. Good people who give Pet Shop Dogs good homes but have no idea of "what circumstances" they came from!!

It take high profile people to get the message out there.

Recently I've been overwhelmed with people ringing up inquiring and emailing me about my recent litter. Stating that they want to get their dog from a Registered Breeder. There is NO WAY I am going to be able to meet the "demand" with 5 puppies. It worries me that these people may end up going to a BYB or worse! I guess it just depends on the patience and morals of those involved but I can 'see' how the Puppy Mills meet the demand for a popular breed for Pet Shops.

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I love Hinch. :laugh:

He is cranky, cantankerous & speaks his mind no matter how unwise & what the consequences are for himself.

He was probably horrified when he realised all this after buying his own dog that way.

Love him or hate him he certainly says what needs to be said with no beating about the bush.

Yes exactly, (and he doesn't hold back when 'go-ing at' the scum of society such as child molestors etc.) it's good for him to say Hey, look we bought a dog from a Pet Shop and we didn't realise either!

So many people just don't realise. I didn't when I was younger, I bought dogs from Markets. Good people who give Pet Shop Dogs good homes but have no idea of "what circumstances" they came from!!

It take high profile people to get the message out there.

Recently I've been overwhelmed with people ringing up inquiring and emailing me about my recent litter. Stating that they want to get their dog from a Registered Breeder. There is NO WAY I am going to be able to meet the "demand" with 5 puppies. It worries me that these people may end up going to a BYB or worse! I guess it just depends on the patience and morals of those involved but I can 'see' how the Puppy Mills meet the demand for a popular breed for Pet Shops.

BAN PETSHOP PUPPY SALES :) To start with then demand all unreg pups to be desexed simple

Better you worry about meeting the demand than being over populated with pups


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Go Derryn :laugh:

Alot can be said about him, however, once he raises an issue , he tends to get a lot of attention , and gets things done

Great to have him championing the cause

Hate to be the bearer of terribly sad news. Sorry I haven't copied the whole article, there is also a video.



Yes I saw that on the evening news, poor bugger, best wishes for your operation...you just hang in there Derryn!

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