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My Dog Is Sick


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He poos fine

After he went for a little walk tonight, he went to his crate and crashed. He is just lying there, sometimes his eyes are open, but he doesnt get up.

If you show him a new toy or the leash he will though.

He still doesnt seem to be showing any improvement. Perhaps a little, but I think that may be the placebo effect.

Im not sure how I should start to see an improvement after antibiotics

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how longs he been on abs for?

You should start to see a little improvement after a few days, provided the right antibiotic are being used.

He may be very sore and tired, in which case he needs time to rest and recover, sometimes these things take weeks to clear up.

I hope he is feeling better soon

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He still doesnt seem to be showing any improvement. Perhaps a little, but I think that may be the placebo effect.

Im not sure how I should start to see an improvement after antibiotics

Can you call and speak to your vet about your concerns and what is a fair time to let the antibiotics work?

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Just had a quick read through so apologies if I have missed something, but have you thought of taking him to a Canine Chiropractor? Japanese Spitz are a very active breed and are always pulling or displacing something... if you are not finding results from the antibiotic maybe it is physical? If he has hurt his neck or upper back this could explain this lack of energy and trouble eating?? Just a thought!

Good luck... hope everything goes back to normal soon.

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His Blood test results show signs of infection.

This is really weird. There are times when he will walk (when I pull out the leash). If I wave food or toys in his face he does not respond. Usually he will only go out to walk or eat, most other times, he sits down, lies on his side and either rests or sleeps.

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If he is fighting an infection it is normal for him to need rest. I wouldn't be encouraging him to play or taking him for walks at all, just let him rest and recover. After an illnes like this he probably needs at least a week before you encourage any real activity.

Whatever the infection is, the main problem is making sure he is on the right antibiotics. If he is he should be starting to improve with a drop in temperature and increased appetite, if this isn't happening you need to get back to the vet and see if her can change the antibiotics. The temp could still take a week to get back to normal but it should be continuing to drop.

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If he is fighting an infection it is normal for him to need rest. I wouldn't be encouraging him to play or taking him for walks at all, just let him rest and recover. After an illnes like this he probably needs at least a week before you encourage any real activity.

Agreed- just let him be, and stay still and rest- that is Nature's way of giving the body a chance to heal ..sleep and quiet and rest, and wholesome food .

If I wave food or toys in his face he does not respond.

:laugh: he is very ill, and hurting -naturally he won't respond-his body is busy FIGHTING INFECTION , and it is certainly not "weird" !

Think about anyone you know who has had a severe infection -whether it be meningitis, or pneumonia or a bad flu . They probably just wanted to rest & sleep as well :rofl:

I think that may be the placebo effect.

:) dogs don't 'do' placebo effect .Treatment either works, or it doesn't .

Hopefully the AB's will do the trick over the next week or so :laugh:

Edited by persephone
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Poor pup. I hope he starts improving :)

As has been said, if he has an infection he will b very tired, sleep alot and not have much energy. Don't push him to play or take him for walks. He will tell you when he's feeling better and up for more activity.

You should see an improvement in him pretty soon I would b thinking if it's just an infection of some sort. Mind you, my horse once had to have 3 different types of antibiotics until one did the trick. That horse actually had the same symptoms as your dog come to think of it. High temp, unable to put his head down to eat or drink. He had a version of human pharangitis. I'd be letting your vet know that you haven't seen any Improvement yet so they are aware of his progress. They may decide to switch antibiotics earlier rather than later.

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. Nothing worse than when our 'kids' are sick :laugh: xox

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So sorry to hear about your spitz, q uite worryiing. Hope he improves

I wouldn't discount the chiropractor theory. However, if there is no improvement at the end of 7 days, I would ask for a referral to a specialist, on the basis that he is not improving.

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Iv called the vet and he will see him tomorrow, but Im afraid that all he will do is monitor his temperature over another day in his clinic and charge me for it.

Iv taken his temp and it seems to be within normal - 38.7deg. Took it a second time, and it was the same.

Iv heard him bark for he first time today!!!

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Just speaking from my experience with SRMA (and I obviously don't know if this is what your dog has), the second time my dog had it, I couldn't tell for weeks if he was sick or just growing up - he was happy enough but not the full on, over the top dog I was used to. He was eating and playing but just seemed to have a dull edge to him. It wasn't until he went back on the cortisone (after seeing the vet) that I couild tell that he hadn't been feeling the best. It was a big contrast to the first time he got sick, where he was definitely miserable.

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Thanks guys! He is all better today. Runs, jumps, eats. Just being the little mutt he usually is!

I have enough antibiotics for one more day left. Ill keep him on that and give the vet a call and see what he says.

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