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What Is She!? And Whats Wrong With Her Skin?


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This dog was surrendered to me on Monday. Her owner just died and her carer contacted me. No family members or friends. Carer has signed her over to me and i have checked all the details with carers company.

Barely any information is known, carer was told by owner that the dog is a 6 month old dachshund. Carer only knew that the dog was purely outside, hadn't been vaccinated, m/chipped or desexed. This dog is obviously not just a dachshund unless she has a skin condition that has resulted in hair loss, shes bald apart from a mohawk and tuffs on her feet. To me she looks like a mexican hairless x dachshund but i didn't think more than a few mexican hairless were even in Australia?! So what are the alternatives? Vets estimates shes only 6-10 months old and has no idea what her skin problem is. I've added photos encase anyone has seen something similar in a hairless breed.

Apart from the skin condition and lack of vet work and no training she is an amazing creature, shes got so much character and is a total clown.

Here are some pics of the ugly mutt :birthday:






Hi Megs

I undertake Dachshund Rescue & Rehoming and am listed under the DOL rescue contacts. This dog is a Dachshund and likely X’d with a Chinese Crested. There have been many bred by idiots for a new designer ‘Hairless Dachshund’. The skin issues may be from ‘exposure’ but Dachshunds can and do suffer several skin issues (will not respond to shampoo alone). Needs a skin scraping to rule our Demodex. I am on my way to Melbourne to transport another rescue Dachshund but will pm you later and get a phone number to talk. We have a waiting list of homes for Dachshunds and Dachshund X’s (breed experienced homes) so I can help.


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Im not convinced she has no coat because of a genetic hairless issue.It could very possibly be that she has no fur due to the skin condition.I would have a vet look at her first.

My thoughts too, Steve - although I'm not that much of an expert. I didn't like the look of those pustule looking markings on the back leg.

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Sure looks like a Crestie X to me ;) She is a sweet little girl, well done for taking her in :D

I would get a vet to check for any skin problems such as a Staph infection, but mostly skin problems clear up nicely with a good diet and some regular skin care. Yellowgirl or any of the other crestie owners may be able to help you with a good regime for the skin (Louis is the only hairless I've had and his skin is fine). Don't use anything too harsh on her skin, from what I recall a wash with oatmeal and yogurt is very good, and using pure coconut oil (solid and melts when you apply it) to moisturise the skin.

With regards to the teeth make sure your vet is aware that a lot of hairless dogs have what is know as a 'primitive mouth' - she maybe older than you think if judging by the teeth.

Most hairless are lacking premolars. Some have incomplete incisors and primitive looking canine teeth. Some hairless also possess completely normal dentition. Incomplete dentition is a variable trait. It is not a sign of breed purity. In some mouths, if the bottom canines are large they will push the teeth forward. If the top canines are only baby ones, there is nothing to move the adult incisors forward. Many of the front teeth in Cresteds point forward, not just the tusk-like canines. Then, add that the mouths continuously move in these guys. In every Crested, this may stop at 2 years, 4 years, or slowly and almost unnoticeably keep changing throughout their life.

The teeth of the Hairless variety can differ in shape from those in a normal mouth. The canines are often (but not always) conical and point forward; these are referred to as tusks. This is a characteristic which applies to both good and bad "Hairless" mouths.

The shape of the incisors can vary considerably. Some are no more than little pegs protruding from the gums. Others are almost normal. Sometimes a full complement of narrow "pegs" can look as though they have been thrown in haphazardly. The number of teeth present can also vary. In the worst example, many may be missing, having never been present at all.

Occasionally, milk teeth which showed great promise are not replaced with adult teeth; and where milk teeth have been missing, adult teeth can appear! The teeth that are present can be poorly rooted. For example, incisors may point forward like tusks, but may fall out at an early age. Pre-molars will be missing from the Hairless variety - one, two, or maybe all of them. Even a good Hairless mouth may be without first and second pre-molars, and this should be accepted as normal. Tusks and missing pre-molars are not mentioned in the Standard, but these characteristics should be acknowledged as typical of the Hairless mouth. Some Hairless retain their teeth most of their life - the hairless gene expresses itself in various degrees with dentition and coat density/placement.

From http://www.chinesecrestedclubcanada.com/origins.php

That coat looks nice and cosy for her - just don't tuck the elastic round her legs.

Good luck with her and feel free to pm me if I can help at all :laugh:

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Thanks for all your replies guys ;). Cresty x dachshund it is, i originally thought that but then saw a pic of a mexican hairless on the net I went ugh creepy similar but wasn't sure how common they were in Australia.

Yup only 2 Xolo's in Oz and I don't think she has branched out into dachshund crosses yet :laugh: :D

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Thanks for all the replies guys, just checking this on lunch break so no time for extended replies just yet :D .

I should have mentioned that i did take her to the vet, within the first hour i had her actually haha, unfortunately though, although 3 vets looked at her and a skin scraping was taken and medical books checked they couldn't deterine what it was. They did however rule out mange etc with the skin scraping. The only thing we came up with is shes only had on a very short jacket, one that didn't cover her hindquarters and neck - exactly where the problem is. So could being out in a freezing victoria weather cause such a skin irratation in a hairless breed? Obviously not many people would know this, because leaving a hairless dog outside day and night is just cruel. So the vets recommendation was to give it a week-two and if it improves, great, and if it doesn't then a skin biopsy should be done (obviously if it gets worse they it will have to be done straight away).

I should mention too that it doesn't bother her at all, she doesn't scratch at it or seem bothered when you touch them. I dont think they are pimples either though, they are hard lumps with no puss present when squeezed (vet did try).

As for her teeth, there are adult and baby teeth present, her canines have both adult and baby teeth pressed together and they dont feel like either is going anytime soon. Some adult teeth are still to come down too but as crazycresties article says, they might not.

Ok back to work will reply better later!

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Hi Megs,

She sure looks like a Crestie X to me. A lot of Cresties go through the pimply teenager phase, especially if skin not washed regularly. Get some Malaseb antibacterial shampoo and wash in that. For those pimples I would get a face washer, soak it in hot water and lay it on skin (not too hot obviously but warm enough to help open up the pores a bit), soap her up with Malaseb and then leave on for five minutes or so before rinsing off. Also use an exfoliating bath glove and give her a good scrub in the Malaseb. Make sure you moisturise the skin afterwards with a gentle Vitamin E cream. A regular bath like this (every week minimum) should help, as will good diet. A lot of Cresteds develop sebaceous cyst type lumps which are hard white lumps that not much comes out of. I have found a diet which incorporates fish oil and all the good stuff tends to help with those but might not eradicate them completely.

Yes, us Crestie owners are known for squeezing pimples and blackheads (find it quite therapeutic myself :D ) but always make sure if you're going to do it your hands are clean and a wipe over with antibacterial wipes is recommended afterwards.

The teeth thing is quite common for Cresteds - a lot of them never get some adult teeth, many retain baby teeth and many also get two sets. If the double canines aren't causing an issue I wouldn't worry about them - it's only for the show ring we get doubles taken out. Make sure your vet is aware that if they pull out baby teeth, adult teeth may never eventuate anyway.

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Gorgeous girl! :eek:. I met a staffy x crested last weekend, he had exactly the same hair coverage as Xina (Love that name by the way! :rofl: )

Megs, I'm doing a dog clothes order this week, they have longer dachshund clothes too, so I can order a couple of things for Xena if you like ;). I'm ordering some anyway, I like them for the cresties as they cover all the way down the back. Let me know your address and I can post a couple to you.

If you're thinking about a possible foster failer addition, I have 3 girls and one boy at my place, so it can be done ;)

I agree with CrazyCresties about Xena's skin, she could very well have a staph infection. Looks very similar to Madeline's skin when I first got her. Antibiotics should help with that.

I'd go with a gentle wash to start with, sorbelene cream or something similar. As CC mentioned, yoghurt can help open the pores, just slather it on to warmed skin and wash off after 5-10 minutes. Xena will probably help with the removal :rofl: which is absolutely fine. I'd be doing it every 2-3 days to start with. Calamine lotion can help with calming the area too. But definitely think about ABs for her skin.

Natural, preservative free foods will also be a big help.

Steve, those two pictures of 'hairless' dogs, do they actually have a skin condition/infection??

Haylz27, Meatball is soooo handsome ;)

Mother Moocher, you're so lucky to have seen Wazzat's xolo in real life! I bet they're so beautiful up close :)

Edited by yellowgirl
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Yup only 2 Xolo's in Oz and I don't think she has branched out into dachshund crosses yet ;) :rofl:
I believe Deshonko Kennels haven't returned her calls :eek::rofl::)
Mother Moocher, you're so lucky to have seen Wazzat's xolo in real life! I bet they're so beautiful up close ;)
It was pretty awesome. I posted some photos on Wazzat's thread.
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if she's been outside and exposed I would say the pimples are dirt and dry skin combined with the normal CC teenage 'pimple' phase. Is nothing comes out they could be clogged pores or blackheads (hey I get these unsqueezable ones on myself from dirt/dust and exposure)

wash EVERYTHING she wears and sleeps on, something antibacterial or add some tea tree to the wash. That much I know. Oh and you have to moisturise the skin (esp after a malaseb bath), all the time something that is fragrance/oil free and hypoallergenic, I suppose paw paw cream would be great I use it for my own dogs skin conditions.

Now the important question...

OMG CAN I VISIT, CAN I CAN I CAN I!!!! I'll bring you a tub of paw paw cream as a prezzie :rofl: PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

Edited by Nekhbet
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I'm avidly reading this thread on how to treat the Cresty skin cause look what arrived into my rescue today. Sid is a Cresty cross Shih tzu

Edited by Ams
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I don't think I'd be satisfied until/unless full body blood work-up was done .............. including thyroid test (USA).

But that's me ;). Could be wrong, but I'd like to rule out things that bloods might reveal.

To me, the dog just looks Daxxy.

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Ok this is going to be long, trying to reply to everyone....

First and foremost thanks to everyone for their advice, i'll have to make a list of everyones ideas and set up a voting poll, im confused of where i should start first! :)

Hi Megs

I undertake Dachshund Rescue & Rehoming and am listed under the DOL rescue contacts. This dog is a Dachshund and likely X’d with a Chinese Crested. There have been many bred by idiots for a new designer ‘Hairless Dachshund’. The skin issues may be from ‘exposure’ but Dachshunds can and do suffer several skin issues (will not respond to shampoo alone). Needs a skin scraping to rule our Demodex. I am on my way to Melbourne to transport another rescue Dachshund but will pm you later and get a phone number to talk. We have a waiting list of homes for Dachshunds and Dachshund X’s (breed experienced homes) so I can help.

Thanks for your offer of help Lisa, feel free to pm me later and we can chat, although i don't think i'll have a problem rehoming her, her personality grabs everyones attention and even the vet treating her said if i hadn't found her a home in a couple of weeks to let her know. However, the best home is always the most important ;)

She sure looks like a Crestie X to me. A lot of Cresties go through the pimply teenager phase, especially if skin not washed regularly. Get some Malaseb antibacterial shampoo and wash in that. For those pimples I would get a face washer, soak it in hot water and lay it on skin (not too hot obviously but warm enough to help open up the pores a bit), soap her up with Malaseb and then leave on for five minutes or so before rinsing off. Also use an exfoliating bath glove and give her a good scrub in the Malaseb.

Thanks for the advice ashaflynn! Will give that a try :). Where would i get malaseb shampoo from? Net, vet or pet store?

The teeth thing is quite common for Cresteds - a lot of them never get some adult teeth, many retain baby teeth and many also get two sets. If the double canines aren't causing an issue I wouldn't worry about them - it's only for the show ring we get doubles taken out. Make sure your vet is aware that if they pull out baby teeth, adult teeth may never eventuate anyway.

I think in one post you may have saved me $400, i could kiss your feet! ;)

Megs, I'm doing a dog clothes order this week, they have longer dachshund clothes too, so I can order a couple of things for Xena if you like . I'm ordering some anyway, I like them for the cresties as they cover all the way down the back. Let me know your address and I can post a couple to you.

Yellowgirl that would be fantastic! Thank you so so so much :( . Will pm you my address.

Natural, preservative free foods will also be a big help.

What food would you recommend yellowgirl? My girls get nutrience and i've started her on the sensitive skin nutrience, good or bad?

I agree with CrazyCresties about Xena's skin, she could very well have a staph infection. Looks very similar to Madeline's skin when I first got her. Antibiotics should help with that.

I'd go with a gentle wash to start with, sorbelene cream or something similar. As CC mentioned, yoghurt can help open the pores, just slather it on to warmed skin and wash off after 5-10 minutes. Xena will probably help with the removal which is absolutely fine. I'd be doing it every 2-3 days to start with. Calamine lotion can help with calming the area too. But definitely think about ABs for her skin

I've been doing the sorbolene already and it seems to be helping, the very tips of her ears were so dry they actually look like they are going to start chipping away. If her skin doesn't improve with all this advice i will definitely get her on antibiotics.

Yup only 2 Xolo's in Oz and I don't think she has branched out into dachshund crosses yet

I believe Deshonko Kennels haven't returned her calls


if she's been outside and exposed I would say the pimples are dirt and dry skin combined with the normal CC teenage 'pimple' phase. Is nothing comes out they could be clogged pores or blackheads (hey I get these unsqueezable ones on myself from dirt/dust and exposure)

:eek: i have the same problem sometimes too Nekhbet. I hope everyone is right and they are just pimples, suits me fine :)

wash EVERYTHING she wears and sleeps on, something antibacterial or add some tea tree to the wash. That much I know. Oh and you have to moisturise the skin (esp after a malaseb bath), all the time something that is fragrance/oil free and hypoallergenic, I suppose paw paw cream would be great I use it for my own dogs skin conditions.

Now the important question...

OMG CAN I VISIT, CAN I CAN I CAN I!!!! I'll bring you a tub of paw paw cream as a prezzie PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

Will do Nekhbet, glad i have the day off work tomorrow, so much to do! And yes you can come visit, how can i resist a tub of paw paw cream! :o

Ams, Sid is lovely, looks more like a real cresty compared to my "hairless dachshund" ;)

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I think I also have some Malaseb floating around my place you can have the rest of the bottle :eek:

hmmm now when to visit! PM me if saturday late arvo is OK ;) I can come bearing gifts, I think I have a dog coat around here too but it needs a VERY good wash

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