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What Is She!? And Whats Wrong With Her Skin?


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This dog was surrendered to me on Monday. Her owner just died and her carer contacted me. No family members or friends. Carer has signed her over to me and i have checked all the details with carers company.

Barely any information is known, carer was told by owner that the dog is a 6 month old dachshund. Carer only knew that the dog was purely outside, hadn't been vaccinated, m/chipped or desexed. This dog is obviously not just a dachshund unless she has a skin condition that has resulted in hair loss, shes bald apart from a mohawk and tuffs on her feet. To me she looks like a mexican hairless x dachshund but i didn't think more than a few mexican hairless were even in Australia?! So what are the alternatives? Vets estimates shes only 6-10 months old and has no idea what her skin problem is. I've added photos encase anyone has seen something similar in a hairless breed.

Apart from the skin condition and lack of vet work and no training she is an amazing creature, shes got so much character and is a total clown.

Here are some pics of the ugly mutt :eek:






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Very unusual!!!

Wouldn't be a Chinese Crestie x Dachie though would it?

Sure looks like a Crestie crossed with a Dachie to me as well. That first picture looks like a dwarf Crestie.

You would need to talk to a Chinese Crested breeder to find out about their skin issues. I know the skin can be pretty high maintenance and people who get one thinking they won't have to groom a coat, get a shock when they are faced with keeping the skin in good order.

Edited by dancinbcs
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I met Wazzat Xolo's Naca at the Brisbane Exhibition and his skin had a few little lumps and erruptions (nothing like this girl's though, poor little thing). Apparently they are normal. I would imagine her skin has never had the treatment and upkeep necessary.

Go to The Chinese Cresteds thread in Breed Sub Forums and ask what they think.

Well done for taking this little girl on. :eek: :D

Edited by Mother Moocher
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What a lovely little dog! Can't believe anybody would be stupid enough to breed it though. You will fall in love with how easy their "coat" is to look after :eek:

Just watch the elastic on that coat - it's rubbing on bare skin there and it could get sore easily. Most of those coat designs are for dogs with hair that protects their skin. Crestie owners usually put their dogs in polar fleece type jumpers.

Good on you for taking her on!

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Thanks for all your replies guys :). Cresty x dachshund it is, i originally thought that but then saw a pic of a mexican hairless on the net I went ugh creepy similar but wasn't sure how common they were in Australia.

Thanks for the tip about the coat, im completely clueless about hairless breeds! Shes got a cotton one to go over the top of that one so i'll just leave that on her today until someone knowledgable replies about what i should do, or i'll put her on the breed sub forum after work tonight.

She will be up for adoption although first i have to find invisible money to desex, do a skin bioposy, dental work to remove some baby teeth and mirochip her :D , damn that *sucker* tattoo thats imprinted on my forehead for all to see :eek:. I would honestly love to keep her, shes so quirky but normal compared to my two rescue dogs but 3 females in one household is pushing it i think!

PS her name is Xena because shes doesn't look anything like a princess or warrior but is both in her heart. :laugh:

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I'm certainly no expert, but to me the skin doesn't look to have the crusting and thickening that would indicate a long term skin condition causing such extensive hair loss. So, I would concur with the dachie/crestie mix thoughts. I have to say I love her though - if I had room I would take her in a shot. :birthday::) :)

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Im not convinced she has no coat because of a genetic hairless issue.It could very possibly be that she has no fur due to the skin condition.I would have a vet look at her first.

She might well be a hairless dog but I"d want skin scraping to be sure. That could also be a really bad case of dermodex mange left untreated. Dermo dogs get 'elephant skin'.

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This dog was surrendered to me on Monday. Her owner just died and her carer contacted me. No family members or friends. Carer has signed her over to me and i have checked all the details with carers company.

Barely any information is known, carer was told by owner that the dog is a 6 month old dachshund. Carer only knew that the dog was purely outside, hadn't been vaccinated, m/chipped or desexed. This dog is obviously not just a dachshund unless she has a skin condition that has resulted in hair loss, shes bald apart from a mohawk and tuffs on her feet. To me she looks like a mexican hairless x dachshund but i didn't think more than a few mexican hairless were even in Australia?! So what are the alternatives? Vets estimates shes only 6-10 months old and has no idea what her skin problem is. I've added photos encase anyone has seen something similar in a hairless breed.

Apart from the skin condition and lack of vet work and no training she is an amazing creature, shes got so much character and is a total clown.

Here are some pics of the ugly mutt :birthday:






Hi Megs

I undertake Dachshund Rescue & Rehoming and am listed under the DOL rescue contacts. This dog is a Dachshund and likely X’d with a Chinese Crested. There have been many bred by idiots for a new designer ‘Hairless Dachshund’. The skin issues may be from ‘exposure’ but Dachshunds can and do suffer several skin issues (will not respond to shampoo alone). Needs a skin scraping to rule our Demodex. I am on my way to Melbourne to transport another rescue Dachshund but will pm you later and get a phone number to talk. We have a waiting list of homes for Dachshunds and Dachshund X’s (breed experienced homes) so I can help.


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