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Desexing Post Op Probs


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The poor boy. I've just been using Neocort for an allergy and it must sting a bit as it first goes on as pup has been yelping a bit. Within seconds you can see the relief though.

They didn't use a hot water bottle on the area did they? There was a dog on here a few years back that got a very nasty burn from a hot water bottle after a simple op.

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ok ladies *UPDATE TIME* Poor Ted is atleast acting more like his usual happy self, i've been working on desensitizing him to being touch around the site before i retry appling the cream, and last nite i actually managed to get some on :) thanks for letting me know to keep the buster collar on for 2 weeks the vet didnt give me any time line to go on!!!!! but he is on AB's for 2 weeks. Thanks again for replying, I was so worried about him, I havent had much luck this year with my pack (all totally out of the blue probs happening) and i was worried this was going to end in disaster, so thanks for the support!!!!

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The poor boy. I've just been using Neocort for an allergy and it must sting a bit as it first goes on as pup has been yelping a bit. Within seconds you can see the relief though.

They didn't use a hot water bottle on the area did they? There was a dog on here a few years back that got a very nasty burn from a hot water bottle after a simple op.

I worried about that too when I first saw the thread title. Moose has a nice big bald patch from a severe hwb burn. Certainly sounds more like a rash reaction though.

Glad to hear he's on ABs now and you've managed to get some cream on. Hope he feels better soon. :laugh:

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