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Desexing Post Op Probs


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I had my 9mth old Bull mastiffXBull Arab desexed last Thursday. Since then he has not only become depressed and is isolating himself from my other 2 dogs he has, more worryingly developed a severe reaction to the skin around the op site, it was apparent as soon as we got him home and looked like shaving rash!!!! He continued to lick the site and has trouble sitting. I took him back to the vet today (time delay due to one of my kids being at hospital for tests, so please go easy on me). The vet said its a rare reaction to the antiseptic solution they used????????????? gave me antibiotics and so cream to apply along with an Elizabethan Collar(?) $70 later we go home I've applied the cream put the collar on (which has made him sadder) and started the antibiotics, when went out to check on him I tried to apply more cream at which he yelled and growled when i looked his skin is peeling and areas are begining to bleed!!!!!!!!!!!! So what the hell is going on?????????????? has anyone here ever had this experience?????? How can this stamdard procedure have such an effect?/ and more importantly will he be alright???? I used a different vet this time as its closer to home, should i take him to my regular vet????

Thanks in advance for any support

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Just like people can.. dogs can have allergic reactions to things like the antiseptic wash, the suture material.. etc. Best to take him to whatever vet did the desexing operation for aftercare, I would have thought if allergic reaction was the suspicion that they would have given him a cortisone shot... it may also be just infected from the licking which could have been from irritation or from allergy.

And yes complications do happen.. surgery is never routine.

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It sounds like its just a weird reaction. As karly said, there will always be the odd allergic reaction or rare side effect, etc. Clipper rash would not usually peel or get that bad but who knows. I'd definitely get him to your normal vet and see what they say. In the mean time, keep the collar on to stop him licking it and perhaps just bathe it regularly with lukewarm water.

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Sounds like an infection, particularly if he has been licking the wound since last Thursday. Half a day isn't long enough to see effects of the AB's - you'd need atleast 24-48 hours before they'd start to work.

May not be a bad idea for another check, but if the wound is now being left alone and is still otherwise in tact, I'd probably give the AB's a bit more time to work.

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[Thanks for your replies, I've tried applying the cream, "Ilium Neocort" but now he is yelping and startling, the site looks nasty. I cant go anywhere near the site now :birthday:

I realise reactions can happen, and yes it definately did look like shaving rash that was evident from the moment he came home!

I hate seeing him like this, he sit with his head hung low looking at me with the saddest eyes, :)

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I've seen this type of thing a few times through my work.

It's most likely a combination of the site prep, clipper rash and possibly a reaction to sutures.

A lot of practices do a three layer prep - 1st layer ususally a scrub - We use Chlorohex (done three times which helps remove any dirt etc), then use an alcohol prep (also done three times) and we finish with an iodine prep (I know of many clinics that don't, this is just our protocol)

If it's a reaction to the sutures - What colour are they? - Normally we find reactions in Catgut sutures.

Neocort should help numb the site a bit - it has a bit of local anaesthetic in it. You may need to ask your vet (which ever one you see) for a painkiller like Metacam to help him deal with the pain after surgery. Some dogs and cats will be depressed after surgery - they've been knocked out, had bits of their insides taken out, can feel bad for them for a while, but the do get better once their routine is back to normal.

Whatever you do, do not let him lick that site - he'll only upset it more.

Hopefully he starts feeling better soon :D

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It may be just stingy, I would probably continue to give the tablets and try again with the cream tomorrow or the next day when it has settled down somewhat.

If he is still trying to get to it even with the collar on the edges of the collar will make it bleed so guess what- 24 hr supervision until sutures are out, make sure you interupt him if he's still trying to lick with the collar on. Sutures will now most likely have to stay in longer now that he has licked himself a lovely infection....

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The internal stitches would be most likely be the fat and tissue layers, there should be stitches on the outside of the dog (although I think there is a technique to bring them under - haven't seen it done in years though)

Hopefully it settles soon!

A lot of vets bury the sutures.... I guess its a fancier finish :thumbsup: it does take more time and is a little bit more involved technique wise but quite common at least I've seen it from all the vets I've gone too... it does take a bit of time for them to dissolve.. just keep an eye that they aren't poking out and keep a buster collar on for at least 2 weeks post op as you don't want to risk them being pulled out :)

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Appartently the sutures are internal so dont need to be removed!!!

They can still react to internal sutures.

Doesn't sound like your vet did anything wrong - hes treated what he saw and now it's worse - he needs to know that his treatment isn't working. You need to get that poor dog back to a vet. Sometimes an allergic reaction is so great that the area starts reacting to everything that is applied.

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