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Holiday Boarding - Uneasy 2nd Thoughts

Skruffy n Flea

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hey dolers

i'm off on hols in the next few days for a 10-day break up north and i've booked my 2 swfs and kitty into a nice place down south --- we had a look at the place before we committed but now, i'm having 2nd thoughts particularly about the dogs!

the cat enclosure is less exposed to the elements so i'm really not that concerned about her but the two dogs will be kenneled outdoors! in large-ish runs, with concrete floors and very little grass! for the whole time they're there!

what have i done? how do i get past this icky feeling i have that my 3 babies aren't going to have the comforts of indoors for 10 days?

i chose the cheaper option rather than paying an extra $200 or so to go thru top dog minders --- irrespective, we'd still have to pay extra to board bobbie elsewhere, so yeah, it'd cost probably another $150 or so if we went thru top dogs...

i know they'll be okay but i just can't seem to get past this :cry:

any words of wisdom you can offer? how do you deal?


Edited by Skruffy n Flea
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There are two things to look at here:

1. When in doubt, don't.

2. You are naturally going to be very nervous about boarding your beloved pets.

I know someone who lives in your home while you are away, if you are interested. She is a vet nurse at the vet hospital I use, is an older woman and very very caring and responsible.

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I agree with Mother M

if in doubt , don't

I am very fussy who minds my babies, I won't kennel them anymore , no bad exp just don't like the idea of not really knowing what is happeneing with them. Pretyy much don't go away withouth my babies now, if i do luckily i have 2 very trusted ppls that stop in and feed and care for them at my home . If they can't do it I dont go

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hey dolers

i'm off on hols in the next few days for a 10-day break up north and i've booked my 2 swfs and kitty into a nice place down south --- we had a look at the place before we committed but now, i'm having 2nd thoughts particularly about the dogs!

the cat enclosure is less exposed to the elements so i'm really not that concerned about her but the two dogs will be kenneled outdoors! in large-ish runs, with concrete floors and very little grass! for the whole time they're there!

what have i done? how do i get past this icky feeling i have that my 3 babies aren't going to have the comforts of indoors for 10 days?

i chose the cheaper option rather than paying an extra $200 or so to go thru top dog minders --- irrespective, we'd still have to pay extra to board bobbie elsewhere, so yeah, it'd cost probably another $150 or so if we went thru top dogs...

i know they'll be okay but i just can't seem to get past this :cry:

any words of wisdom you can offer? how do you deal?


agree with others. You will just be stressed and that's the last thing you want on holidays.

Is there any shelter / protection at all for the doggies ??

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thanks for the replies :rofl:

it's not that i don't believe they'll be well cared for; it's my own lack of experience i guess --- i've never had dogs before and so, yeah :cry:

moocher, i really didn't want to hear that but i knew it anyway and so you have hit the proverbial nail...

i can't turn back tho; it's probably not too late BUT logistically, it would be a nightmare to factor in to our set-off saturday timetable --- damn this to buggery...

chezy and mrs t, your individual remarks coupled with that of the moocher's only commit me more to being more aware of what i want for my pets and to also cater to my own mental health needs --- my pets mean the world to me and yes, being childless, they are my babies...

mrs t, yes, the run is covered and they will likely have a kennel each on account of byron not being too much of a snuggler --- the runs are quite large compared to others i have seen and i was impressed with the size and length [probably 3x as wide and perhaps that again long] so even tho i don't know where my head was at the day we inspected the place, i still wish i hadn't put money ahead of my dogs' and cat's comfort AND my mental health :rofl:

it's the outdoor issue and concrete floor that bothers me the most...

please, don't get me wrong, it is a nice place and the people are lovely; a retired couple and their heavily pregnant daughter who lives around the corner with her family --- they used to breed and show [damn, i can't remember what] dogs and it's secluded and restful with the boarding facilities designed more with cats in mind but they welcome and board small dogs also...

i'm taking along a number of cushions and blankies for them to snuggle into and of course plenty of toys with a bag of frozen skinned chicken wings and lamb ribbets so hopefully the time will pass quickly for them and they will think i'm a god when i get back and take 'em back home ;)

maybe i just need a shot or two of rescue remedy...

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Being a busybody ( ;) ;) ) I spoke to "my" house sitter and she is currently tied up with a job, however she did mention that her husband does it as well. I asked if he was as caring and tidy and dog loving as she was and she said, "God yes!" :cry::rofl: In fact I recall her telling me that he was very particular about everything he does. So, if you are interested, I can put you in touch with each other. The daughter of one of the other vet nurses there also does house sitting.

My house sitter even does just a one nighter or a weekend. Nothing too big or two small. :rofl:

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Being a busybody ( ;) ;) ) I spoke to "my" house sitter and she is currently tied up with a job, however she did mention that her husband does it as well. I asked if he was as caring and tidy and dog loving as she was and she said, "God yes!" :cry::rofl: In fact I recall her telling me that he was very particular about everything he does. So, if you are interested, I can put you in touch with each other. The daughter of one of the other vet nurses there also does house sitting.

My house sitter even does just a one nighter or a weekend. Nothing too big or two small. :rofl:

you don't know how close i am to saying...

thank you soooo very much --- k, wait, i'm about to send you a pm :(

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Being a busybody ( ;) :D ) I spoke to "my" house sitter and she is currently tied up with a job, however she did mention that her husband does it as well. I asked if he was as caring and tidy and dog loving as she was and she said, "God yes!" :laugh::laugh: In fact I recall her telling me that he was very particular about everything he does. So, if you are interested, I can put you in touch with each other. The daughter of one of the other vet nurses there also does house sitting.

My house sitter even does just a one nighter or a weekend. Nothing too big or two small. :D

Hi MM, sorry to butt in here, but I wuold be really interested in getting in touch with a house/dog sitter for when my OH and I are away with work occasionally. Can I trouble you for their contact ?

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Before we moved over here we hadn't had a holiday since getting the dogs, as we didn't want to put them in kennels and house sitters were very thin on the ground where we lived. However when we made our reccie trip over here we found a 'luxury' kennel with underfloor heating (this was Scotland in winter after all :thumbsup: ) and huge paddocks were the dogs were walked and played. The dogs loved it and got so spoilt :)

However, and getting to the point :) when the 2 little ones had to go into quarantine here for 30 days, it was into a concrete pen with no heating and a damp floor 99% of the time :thumbsup: Very basic indeed - they were fed and watered and hosed out and that was about it, BUT at the end of the 30 days they were no worse for wear. They were a bit hyper from lack of exercise, but as soon as they got home with us they settled straight back down with no issues from their 30 day prison sentence.

I wouldn't voluntarily let them stay somewhere as basic as that, but the thing is they coped just fine - we were the ones worrying :)

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Call me weird but I would prefer to leave my dogs in a basic kennel where I know they will be safe rather than have someone coming and going in my home where the dogs could escape through the front door looking for me or bark all day. I know someone who does pet sitting in her own home but again - I would worry that my dog might get into mischief or get into a fraca with one of her dogs so I would rather they are kenneled. I think they cope just fine as long as they are safe and fed. My poodles are spoilt house dogs but I would not hesitate to kennel if necessary.

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I understand how you feel.

I have 2 small spoilt dogs and luckily don't normally need to kennel them. I stay with family and the dogs have to cope with what they get visiting.

But I did leave them once for a proper holiday and was lucky there was a terrific kennel in Orange. Wonderful set up for small dogs seperate and heated. It was a shed with pens each side and cloth kennels in each one. Each run had a closable doggie door for days leading to a small private run. Daily playtime was in a larger run at the end of the shed outside double glass doors. BBQ chicken was used if dogs fretting. Coats put on and off etc as it wasa cold place.

I left them once in a Sydney kennel for a day while I was at a family function. Didn't like the place much and was glad it was only for a day if that. No way would I leave them in that place for O/N.

As frufru says thou I am happier to leave them in kennels where they are professionally cared for and safe.

Only you can tell if you can drive away and leave them. If not then maybe a last ditch effort to look elsewhere? Some places are better set up for small dogs. Or a safe house sitter is good as well.

Althou they will survive. You deserve a break too and they are probably spoilt rotten at any other time. We forget cause we spoil our dogs that most dogs do live outside in kennels all the time! :thumbsup: Even small ones.

But if you can find a place or carer you like more you will leave happier. I didn't think of mine (much) while I was away as I was happy they were safe/cared for.

i understand how you feel as I couldn't drive away leaving my little gold chihuahua in a run like what you describe. She yanks at my heartstrings - what a sucker I am.

Good luck whatever you decide.

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I feel your concerns.

I'm off on a family holiday in december. My boy will be 10 months old then. I have 2 children and he is my 3rd, well that's the way I see it anyway. I'm like you, I have booked him into a kennel, that is seems to be really good. The couple that runs it, seems lovely. Each dog has it own concrete run attached to an enclosed sleeping quarters, then once a day they get let out into a grassed area for play time with other small dogs. So all seems to be well. But I still can't help but worry about him. I guess, some of us will worry about the what if's no matter what. I'm lucky that my mums dog will be staying with my dog to help him with the situation, sharing the same kennel.

But at the end of the day, (hopefully) once they are home, they will forget being seperated from you. Well that's what I'm telling myself anyway. Fingers crossed for you, you can enjoy your holiday.

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Anyone interested in pet sitters - try Pet Sitters Australia. We are in SYdney and Adelaide. We can care for pets in your home which involves the carer staying overnight in your home, or your pets can stay with an approved carer in their home. For more info see www.petsitaus.com.au

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I know how you feel!

We are lucky enough now to have friends who live on the south coast and are retired and will mind our dog if we go away. They are very experienced dog owners, so an ideal situation.

When we left Clover for the first time I practically cried the whole time! Didn't make for a very enjoyable holiday!

But at least your guys have each other and as Frufru said, will be as safe as possible.

Personally I would not want to board a dog for more than 2 weeks as I have found that after that they do start going a bit cage crazy, or become depressed. But you're only gone for 10 days so they should be fine :D

I assume your dogs will be taken out for walks every day etc?

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mother moocher, i thank you from the bottom of my heart --- even tho it didn't work out for me this time [it was extremely short notice], it helped get me thru a difficult few days and as i said in my pm to you, it will be different next time ;)

gsd fan, i will be looking into your services also, when next i need it :(

to all the other posters, ty for your comments and insights --- i'm comforted by your stories :)

over the past 30-odd hours, when i knew the pet sitting help wouldn't come to fruition, i've psyched myself up, prepared food and warmth for my two fluffies and kitty for a 'holiday on the farm' :)

i'm still not so happy about it, but there's bugger all i can do about it now, and so, it is what it is...

i gotta get myself off to bed now, cuz we're up before dawn tomorrow, intending to get on the road at about 7:30 am --- i'll revisit this thread when i get back just to let you all know that it was all but me being a worry wart :thumbsup:

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some pet sitters, like us at pet sitters australia offer overnight care and can incorporate visits for play or walks during the day. It all depends on what people are willing to pay. Otherwise dogs may benefit from being in a home environment within the carers home. PSA also offer that. Because of a dog's social requirements we dont offer just a feeding service where a carer pops in for a few minutes a day. Kerry has been involved in rescue for many years and understands what dog's need to be happy and healthy when their owners are away, and so has designed the business to cater to this.

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