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A Call For Help - Single Dad 5 Kids Injured Dog


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good luck to the dog :hug:

another option in the future might be if a dog that lives in a smaller country town that the dog could have the operation in a nearby larger regional town and have someone look after the dog for a short while who lives in the larger regional town until it is well enough to travel back to it's home.

It's just that the larger regional towns with more vets are less expensive and have far better equipment than the smaller country town vets. I would happily put up my hand to look after any dogs on a short term basis in Tamworth, there are good vets here that are not overpriced and we are a larger regional town for many country towns scattered around the north west of NW and would be prepared to travel about a four hour round trip to pick up any dog, look after it, take it to the vets and return to it's owner. :cry:

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good luck to the dog :thumbsup:

another option in the future might be if a dog that lives in a smaller country town that the dog could have the operation in a nearby larger regional town and have someone look after the dog for a short while who lives in the larger regional town until it is well enough to travel back to it's home.

It's just that the larger regional towns with more vets are less expensive and have far better equipment than the smaller country town vets. I would happily put up my hand to look after any dogs on a short term basis in Tamworth, there are good vets here that are not overpriced and we are a larger regional town for many country towns scattered around the north west of NW and would be prepared to travel about a four hour round trip to pick up any dog, look after it, take it to the vets and return to it's owner. :)

Good thinking - not sure that would have worked in this case but its definitely a good option.

thanks again to everyone - you've been great!


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