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Dog Tags


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I'm in WA too and was curious, what exactly happens if your dog isn't registered with the council? What are the benefits of having a registered dog?

I work for Local Govenmnet and it is Law to have your dog registered...

Trust me it is worth it.. Unfortunatly we have found dogs with no tags/ microchips and have held them for the time that we are required to then PTS only for the owner to call the next day looking for their dog... It is a devasating thing to tell some one we killed your dog yesterday..

I am so cautious/ paranoid with my dogs tags..

The have:

Shire Rego Tag

CAR Tag,

One that says " Please scan me, Im microchipped

Name tage with their name,

My name,

Address and phone number.

Some times, I put 2 collars on them with all the tags incase they get out and loose a collar (has happened as we use containment collars)

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Thank you all for your suggestions. I have made an order for a tag & collar today.

Basically my tag should read:

"Dogs name"

I am microchipped

My mobile number

Boyfriend's mobile number

Beloved family pet

I can't wait to receive it :thumbsup: Stanley has almost outgrown his puppy collar!

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