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Shikoku Breeders In Oz


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I had a quick read up and it said they are very rare outside Japan, so I would think that may answer your question. The only way to get one would be to import from America as it sounds they are pretty much the only place that really has them outside Japan. Any particular reason you want on of these as they are very much like the Akita and Shiba. It would be much easier to source a Shiba, although they are of course smaller

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I googled this breed as I never heard of it before and came across this paragraph.


With a life span of ten to twelve years, Shikokus need to be properly taken care of, like every other dog. Health is a big part of the Shikoku's life, because dogs such as these suffer from common sicknesses when not given the right things to eat, or not getting enough time outside . Common sicknesses in shikokus, happen in the bones, joints, ears, muscles, and nerves. Disease also occurs from things such as trauma, and infection. Other more serious issues relate to heart, lung, digestive, and urinary problems. If kept healthy, Shikokus can be the most brave and loyal companions a person could ask for.

Sounds like it could be a delicate breed of dog and the words IF KEPT HEALTHY, sounds like a weird set of words.

I agree look into the Shiba, Akita or perhaps a smaller version the Swedish Valhound.


Edited by Blakbelgian
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I already own an akita but I really like the look of the Shikoku dog especially the ones with a brindle coat.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I've looked at importing a Caucasian Ovcharca bitch as well but the temperament of the dog would be compromised after so long waiting in customs.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

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I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.


I have never done anything like this, obviously, but don't you have to travel O'seas and see/work with a rare breed first, so you can then choose your stud stock, accurately assess what is needed to improve the breed, and what care etc they really need?? It sounds very scary to me! And expensive ... :thumbsup:

they are a beautiful looking dog :laugh: -


Edited by persephone
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I already own an akita but I really like the look of the Shikoku dog especially the ones with a brindle coat.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I've looked at importing a Caucasian Ovcharca bitch as well but the temperament of the dog would be compromised after so long waiting in customs.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

Are you implying you want/expect to make money out of this proposed venture...it sure reads that way! :thumbsup:

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I already own an akita but I really like the look of the Shikoku dog especially the ones with a brindle coat.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I've looked at importing a Caucasian Ovcharca bitch as well but the temperament of the dog would be compromised after so long waiting in customs.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

Are you implying you want/expect to make money out of this proposed venture...it sure reads that way! :thumbsup:

So what if I make a bit of money as long as I breed quality dogs and do my best to improve the breed as a whole.

I have bred working German Sheppard dogs in the past and yes I may have made money off the pups (maybe not in the long run)but it was done for the joy of breeding not for money I am aware of the costs of breeding and if i make some coin good luck to me if I don't well I'm still enjoying myself by improving the breed as a whole

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I already own an akita but I really like the look of the Shikoku dog especially the ones with a brindle coat.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I've looked at importing a Caucasian Ovcharca bitch as well but the temperament of the dog would be compromised after so long waiting in customs.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

Are you implying you want/expect to make money out of this proposed venture...it sure reads that way! :laugh:

So what if I make a bit of money as long as I breed quality dogs and do my best to improve the breed as a whole.

I have bred working German Sheppard dogs in the past and yes I may have made money off the pups (maybe not in the long run)but it was done for the joy of breeding not for money I am aware of the costs of breeding and if i make some coin good luck to me if I don't well I'm still enjoying myself by improving the breed as a whole

I own a rare breed, unless you are prepared to spend $100,000's on importing over the years you will be playing with a very narrow gene pool being the first importer. I don't know how that would improve the breed.

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I already own an akita but I really like the look of the Shikoku dog especially the ones with a brindle coat.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I've looked at importing a Caucasian Ovcharca bitch as well but the temperament of the dog would be compromised after so long waiting in customs.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

Are you implying you want/expect to make money out of this proposed venture...it sure reads that way! :)

So your breeding to make money??

Yay another BYBer :laugh:

And if you were to import with that health warning it sounds very possible that the dog could die in quarantine! Are you willing to risk that?

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If I won tatts I would buy a shikoku. It's my dream dog. However I'm not smart enough nor rich enough to import them here to breed for the sake of breeding a rare breed. Some shikokus have quite a wild temperament and are still a bit feral.

If you love the look so much try looking at maybe finding an agouti siberian husky? Seriously gorgeous! (google them! wow :laugh: )

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Are there any Shikoku dog breeders in OZ.

I already have an Akita and I am really keen on getting one of these.

I can get one from America but I don't want to go through the whole customs import thing.

The post above makes it sound as if you want a Shikoku, purely because this is the type of dog you admire, and that you were seeking an Australian breeder who may be able to supply you with one.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

But when you read this next post, it is a complete contradiction.

Do you actually care which breed you introduce?

Or is it more important that it's one that "is a rare breed that nobody has yet and can fetch up to $5,000 per pup"?

Sadly, all I can glean from this, is a case of $$$ ka-ching $$$

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If I won tatts I would buy a shikoku. It's my dream dog. However I'm not smart enough nor rich enough to import them here to breed for the sake of breeding a rare breed. Some shikokus have quite a wild temperament and are still a bit feral.

If you love the look so much try looking at maybe finding an agouti siberian husky? Seriously gorgeous! (google them! wow :laugh: )

Wow, I have never really be interested in huskies before but that is one very handsome creature...

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Guys, I get that that last thing you want or think Australia needs is another person trying to make money from breeding dogs, but, I wouldn't be surprised if the OP never posts here again. Don't get me wrong, I think the only way to justify bringing new dogs into the world is if you can prove (through health/temperament tests etc) that you are improving the breed, but I didn't feel that way before I found these forums. Instead of making insulting assumptions about people, it would probably help if you gave them more of a chance to explain themselves, and then kindly informed them of the greater knowledge you happen to have on the particular issue. That way you're in with a chance - either the person has a better idea of what they're getting themselves into, or, they give up on that dream. I came here to learn, but thought I knew more then than what I do now - but it's a gradual process...

Of course there are people out there who just don't care at all, and once you can be sure of that go ahead applying derogatory labels but I think that should be done with caution, because after that, they leave.

Not trying to attack anyone here, just thinking that maybe these forums could have done more to try and educate this guy (since plenty of people here would have experience with breeding rare, health sensitive breeds etc) and I think unfortunately in this case, this guy has left knowing nothing more than what he did when he first arrived on a dog forum, asking questions...

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I already own an akita but I really like the look of the Shikoku dog especially the ones with a brindle coat.

Also they are a rare breed and fech up to $5000 USD for a pup. I would love to introduce the breed to OZ.

I've looked at importing a Caucasian Ovcharca bitch as well but the temperament of the dog would be compromised after so long waiting in customs.

I'm looking at setting up a Kennel in Australia with a unique breed that no body has yet.

Are you implying you want/expect to make money out of this proposed venture...it sure reads that way! :)

So what if I make a bit of money as long as I breed quality dogs and do my best to improve the breed as a whole.

I have bred working German Sheppard dogs in the past and yes I may have made money off the pups (maybe not in the long run)but it was done for the joy of breeding not for money I am aware of the costs of breeding and if i make some coin good luck to me if I don't well I'm still enjoying myself by improving the breed as a whole

I just think it's abnormal to mention it - making money would be the LAST thing on my mind if I were looking to bring in a breed not already established in Australia :laugh:

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...Not trying to attack anyone here, just thinking that maybe these forums could have done more to try and educate this guy (since plenty of people here would have experience with breeding rare, health sensitive breeds etc) and I think unfortunately in this case, this guy has left knowing nothing more than what he did when he first arrived on a dog forum, asking questions...

I think anyone considering importing a rare breed would go about discussing it in a different manner, if the OP runs off from here and never returns doG help him/her if they decide to go ahead importing a 'new' breed into the country...I have no doubt it would try the best of us.

It's a public forum, people have their own personilties, some sugar coat everything they type while others shoot straight from the hip.

Edited by Aziah
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