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What Could This Small Lump Be On My Dogs Head?


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this is my first topic post

i can only tell what i remember/seen this small round lump is on the right side of my 3 yr kelpies head it is about 5 mm to 1 cm wide cuple mil heigh with a few hairs on it looks like a semi circle side on

my brother found it while patting him a few weeks back and thought it culd just that he hit his head (my other kelpie has had something similar but it went away)

i didn't notice this lump the day before he even slept in my room that night and i didnt notice that anything was there it was alot smaller and you couldnt see it because his hair was covering it over the top but now it is visible and a little bit red i have felt it and it doesnt have a head that is could be a cyst and it isnt really think or deep in the tissue from what i can feel he isnt bothered by it or me touching it im just wondering if it could spread or be something infection/cancerous ?

it has stayed the same for about 2 weeks or so and i really cant afford a huge vet bill atm, if it has to be tested or removed if its nothing bad i dont mind it being there.

does anyone have a small idea of what it could be so i can do some more research before having to take him to the vets which will cost one arm and maybe two legs haha

>>>>click below<<<<<<



in this website i have gone through but im no vet ahha

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Could be a lot of different things, some nothing at all to worry about, some nasty - just like the link you posted says. I doubt anyone could diagnose it properly over the internet, especially just going on a description. Even at the vets they'd likely want to stick a need in it & have a look at the contents on a slide before making a call about what it is. Sorry.

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Sorry, going to have to go to the vet. You just never know, sometimes I have gone and they just said it's fatty tissue or whatever but i'd rather know for certain. Otherwise post up a pic if you can maybe someone can decipher what it could be.

You can tell the vet of what situation your in before doing anything surely they can understand or just give them a call, but like anything you will need to take him.

Good luck

Edited by adza_baby
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