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Camera Bodies

Frodo's mum

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I have a 450D and I'm about to upgrade to a 7D. I'd stay with Canon because you will be able to use the same lenses as your OH. If you're happy with the 450D, then other options are a second hand 40D or a 50D (and now a 60D) if you don't want to go as high as a 7D or 5D.

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40D is still the best bang for buck camera in Canon's line up. I'd find a good second hand one if you are budget conscious.

7D is pretty pricey but it's a fabulous body. The 5D and 5DII are both great, but again pricey and they are different beasts to the crop factor cameras - probably overkill for most people (and many shooting doggies etc will miss the "extra" reach of the crop factor) and there is the focus issue that plagues them.

I haven't yet seen much from the new 60D. The 50D is a fine camera, but for me personally wasn't worth the extra cost over the 40D.

The newest XXXD range are also really good and worth considering.

Have fun shopping!

Edited by kja
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