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Litters Due November :)


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Ruby has a C section tonight when she passed green gunk before a pup.

All pups dead, 3 died weeks ago and were moosh, one hang on until very recently. :rolleyes: Gorgeous little boy with the white on his chest like his Mummy.

Ruby is coming out of it now, she should be ok. Vet thinks Herpes or a bacterial infection.

We are heartbroken. Our first litter has not been a good experience, but at least we have our precious girl.

Lyndsay I'm so sorry for you and poor Ruby. I hope that she is on the mend soon, that Holly is fine and your next litter experience is a positive one xx

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Thanks everyone. We are still really shocked by it all but perhaps it was for a reason? Who knows. :rofl:

Please keep your fingers crossed for my girl Holly who is also pregnant, she is going back to her breeders for her litter but I couldn't deal with losing both litters. She's due next Saturday. We are going to get an ultrasound done tomorrow to check the bubs.

And it's the worst time of year for me, I start my exams tomorrow. :rofl: Studying today has been close to impossible.

Jesus you poor poor darling I am so sorry. SImilar to my disaster first litter last feb. Bloody heartbreaking.

Big Big hugs from me. :)

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Lappiemum, hard to see how big she actually is cause all that hair :D

Here are some photos taken today of our little 'baloon like' Kimba. She still isn't eating very much, and has to be hand fed, and when she does it, she acts as though she is so hungry. Maybe she just isn't finding anywhere to put it. What she gonna be like next week ;)




The rash that she got from the shave at the vet has healed alright but she still has a split at the base of one of her nipples that I am trying to heal before puppies come. Is getting better but slowly...

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Thanks everyone. Thankfully Ruby doesn't seem upset about it and is more bothered by her cone than anything else so we are leaving it off while we can keep an eye on her. She's not interested in her stiches but the shaved belly seems itchy and she is a clean freak so keeps licking her lady bits.

Holly is due Saturday, but I have a feeling she will go on Thursday night as that's when I have a party to go to to celebrate being 1/2 way through our uni degree. :hug: Right now I don't care, I just want healthy babies.

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LOL trust me, when you feel her its not all fur!!

She's gone off her kibble this morning, wouldn't even have the sardines (which my other two scoffed down happily for her) but was quite happy with cheese and kangaroo tenderloins. She really just wants meat, and when I try to get her to eat stuff that's "good" for her she's telling me to get stuffed.

I can kind of understand, really. All I wanted to eat when I was pregnant was steak too! LOL

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Know what you mean although Kimba has gone the opposite. Only wants 'dry' at the moment and it has to be nice and quiet for her to eat which is kinda hard when you have 3 kids :D Mananged to get to eat bout cup of dry this morning, hand fed of course, but least she is eating. Cynda on the other hand is eating her barf again which is good. @ weeks to go, cant wait :cheer:

Edited by SBT101
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