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New Exhibitor Brag


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Today at the Beenleigh Show Society, my 9 1/2 month old beagle bitch was awarded Best In Group!

I couldn't believe it! :rofl:

Very proud of my little girl. Great confidence boost for me before going to Melbourne next Saturday for their Specialties!

I didn't think we had a chance under this judge and I went to the show thinking it was a great chance for me to see if my nightly training and a few weeks break had helped some issues we were having with pulling and not moving out. I noticed that she only pulled a tiny bit and felt to be moving faster as I had to move faster too. The judge commented on her beautiful movement, so I gather she went better! :thumbsup:

Turns out, it was a good choice for me!

Not the best photo of her, we were having stacking issues today! Guess you can't have everything going right!


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Thanks everyone! I feel like a goose because I still smile when I think about it.

I never thought that in my first 6 months of showing, that we would get a BIG.

I have to say a huge thankyou to her breeder (Dog Lady) and mum (Hilaryo) for allowing me to have this little girl as my first show dog. She's such a delight, you can't help but love her. People told me it would be challenging having a tan and white as my first show dog, but first and foremost, she's a wonderful pet and goes to shows on weekends.

Now onto stressing about putting her on a plane to Melbourne! Eek. First time for her. I know she'll be fine, but it's not going to stop me worrying about my little girl!

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Yay and I was there to see it! I made a show of myself and cheered loudly!!

I heard! Thanks :laugh: I heard her say beagle, heard you cheer.. then kinda thought, oh shit, that's me!! :laugh:

The look on your face was priceless! you sort of looked around for a second then it dawned on you!!

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Yay and I was there to see it! I made a show of myself and cheered loudly!!

I heard! Thanks :eek: I heard her say beagle, heard you cheer.. then kinda thought, oh shit, that's me!! :eek:

The look on your face was priceless! you sort of looked around for a second then it dawned on you!!

That would have been funny to see. :laugh::):shrug::rofl:

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