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Another Toilet Question


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Another question here in regards to toileting.... :laugh:

At the moment my DH and I are living in our investment property, whilst we wait for our new home to be completed. The yard here is fully paved, no grass at all at the back - we did this when we first bought the property keeping in mind that upkeep for renters and ourselves, would be minimal. The only lawn at this house is out the front and this area is not fenced.

At our new build, we have a park and lake opposite us, a pool and shed going down behind the house, and since there wouldn't be a great area left to lawn, we decided to put down artificial turf.

In regards to preparing for my new Chi puppy and its toilet training (its more than likely we will still be in our investment property when it arrives) I have been looking at things like the Pet Loo, Doggy Dunny, or even making one of my own, which I saw on another thread, and think it's a great idea! It has also been suggested that I use a litter tray lined with paper, but since my two cats use them at night if needs be, I am a bit hesitant about going down this track with puppy.

I have done a search of old posts regarding the above mentioned items, but was wondering now that these have been out for a while, what is the general consensus in regards to their effectiveness, their wearing, any difficulties in getting your pets to use them etc...

Looking forward to hearing your opinions and suggestions, and thank you in advance.

Cheers, Ronnie

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Thanks Indie for replying :(

I know this sounds revolting but no problems with the dogs eating the cat poop or making a general mess with the cat litter? Ive read a few stories about this and :laugh:

My eldest female cat is a bit of a concern for me, she wont even use the same litter box as my male cat, and god forbid that he even attempts to go in hers!!

Cheers, Ronnie

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Not much help here, but just wanted to say my dog was trained to do her business on both grass and concrete, so living where there is no turf has never been a problem for us. :( We just pick it up straightaway. Don't know if you want to do that with your pup tho.

No, no not a problem at all, and thanks so much for responding SC :) Just wondering if its best to start out as you mean to go on... It could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks *crosses fingers* after puppy comes that we will move to our new build, so thought that if I started to t.train on artificial grass or with a product like the pet loo, then when we move he will be more than likely to keep succeeding with his toilet training.

I'm a bit concerned about litter trays because of my cats... But I do know that the breeder I am talking to teaches her pups to eliminate on paper - so I am mulling over what is going to be the best way to go about it :laugh: I think I am confusing myself just a little.

Still hoping for some reviews on those who are or have used the Pet Loo or something similar and what they think to be positives and negatives about it.

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My only thing I can think about re the pet loos is the smell and keeping them clean. Depending on you puppy, they may want a clean area. I have toilet trained puppies here to newspaper as they are on concrete until they leave me at 8 weeks. I know when I have been to animal expos etc, they have had artificial dog stations, and after about the first day, none of the dogs are too keen to use them. (I suppose cleaning will have something to do with it).

You could do newspaper, and then move it onto the artificial turf in a box. The only problem I see there, is whether the puppy would see your artificial lawn as no different to the pet loo as it is the same stuff. Especially if they are not liking the smell in the pet loo.

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