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Hey all, was wondering...

Can anyone tell me the law regarding microchipping in QLD?

I recently got a puppy on the main registry (yet to get papers) and the breeder said she didnt microchip

because she felt, for a 6 week old puppy, that the needle was too big and she said its best to have it done around 12 weeks.

At the time I thought nothing of it..

But now people are telling me that by law, they should have been microchipped before being rehomed.

Ive looking online but am finding all the information about such conflicting..

Am hoping someone here might be able to clarify it for me.

I could be being silly, but after reading many stories on here about adopters being scammed by breeders in regards to papers etc, I cant help but be a little concerned as im yet to get my papers and now with this conflicting microchipping information, the concern level is rising. Could be unjustified though...from what I know shes a respected Beagle breeder. I found her on the QLD Beagle site. I might just be being a worrywart.

Thanks for any info you can help me with.

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I don't tink a beagle puppy at 6 weeks is any smaller than a sheltie puppy at the same age. :laugh: Our litter born on 12 June were microchipped at 6 weeks. The requirement is that the puppies are microchipped before the registration papers are forwarded to Dogs QLD. In addition they cannot be eye tested without the microchip details.

PS This is regardelss of main/limited registration.

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Oh so I wouldnt get my papers (I do have the pedigree papers however) until I have her microchipped?

The breeder did ask me to forward the microchip details on to her once I had them.

So by law, the breeder can sell a pup without microchipping?

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No the breeder can't sell the pup without it being microchipped.

Can't find the relevant information on DogsQLD website, here is a link to the information on Dogs Victoria's website, it will be the same throughout Australia.


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You won't have her pedigree papers as this is what the Dog Assoc in the relevant State issues. You may have something on paper given to you by the breeder but until the litter is registered that piece of paper is worth nothing.

Any registered breeder who is rehoming puppies at 6 weeks is IMO not ethical. Puppies can be microchipped under 8 weeks if a vet says it is okay to do so. They must be microchipped prior to rehoming.

If this breeder is advertising on DOL I think Troy may be interested in knowing. Others have been struck off this website for similar ethics (or lack thereof).

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The breeder didnt rehome the puppies at 6 weeks. I was the first to adopt from the litter and I did so at 8 weeks.

She just said that she didnt agree with microchipping them at 6 weeks like most because she felt it wasnt good on the pup,

She suggested I do it when I take her for her 12 week vaccination but when I was telling a friend such, thats when they expressed that they thought

that 1- It's illegal to sell a pup that hasn't been microchipped and that by law you have to have it done before the pup is 12 weeks old...

hence my confusion.

As far as I know, the breeder doesn't advertise on here but to be honest I havent really looked.

I found her on the Bealge Association of QLD's website.

I didnt know the pedigree papers that she gave me are useless, so to speak. They were all signed etc so I assumed they were legit.

All puppies apart from mine were to be registered don the limited registry...do limited registered puppies get papers too?

If so I can ask one of the other adopters (who found me on facebook via the breeders page) if they have papers or microchipping etc.

Gotta say im getting really concerned...even more so if its illegal to sell a puppy that hasnt been microchipped.

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It's quite clear from Dogs Victoria website that it is illegal to sell puppies without first having them microchipped.

When the breeder goes to register the litter with DOGS QLD, there is a section on the registration form which asks for the microchip number. :vomit:

Main registration papers are red and limited are green. Limited means you can't breed from or show the puppy.

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Well im hoping because she asked that the microchipping details be forwarded on to her that it means the papers will still come.

Do breeders have a certain amount of time to register a litter/puppies??

(im getting main register so I can show and I guess depending on the outcome of that, she could be bred later in life.)

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Ahhh ok, well thanks for that info.

Makes me feel a little better about it all (getting papers etc) but it does concern me that she didnt microchip the puppies before sending them off to their new homes. I didnt know a Pedigree would come from Dogs QLD too, I thought the one she gave me was it. Like I said, it looked all official like and was signed etc. I thought Dogs QLD would send out other papers, registration papers or something. (as you can see im still new to this all)

I don't mind at all that I have to do it but yeah, still sorta concerning. I might get her microchipped this week I think and then she can go back in a few weeks for round 2 of vaccinations. At least that way I might get my papers quicker and put my mind at complete ease. It might also be less stressful for Buffy, my Pup. Cause I certainly wouldnt like 2 needles within half an hour or so. Even more so if this microchip needle is as big as the breeder suggested it was.

Overall, until I found this out, I thought she was a great breeder...and I guess I still do. Surprised however that shes broken the law.

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Ahhh ok, well thanks for that info.

Makes me feel a little better about it all (getting papers etc) but it does concern me that she didnt microchip the puppies before sending them off to their new homes. I didnt know a Pedigree would come from Dogs QLD too, I thought the one she gave me was it. Like I said, it looked all official like and was signed etc. I thought Dogs QLD would send out other papers, registration papers or something. (as you can see im still new to this all)

I don't mind at all that I have to do it but yeah, still sorta concerning. I might get her microchipped this week I think and then she can go back in a few weeks for round 2 of vaccinations. At least that way I might get my papers quicker and put my mind at complete ease. It might also be less stressful for Buffy, my Pup. Cause I certainly wouldnt like 2 needles within half an hour or so. Even more so if this microchip needle is as big as the breeder suggested it was.

Overall, until I found this out, I thought she was a great breeder...and I guess I still do. Surprised however that shes broken the law.

But if your pup hasn't been microchipped then that means the other pups wouldn't be microchipped either, the breeder needs the microchip info for all the pups before she can register the litter so even if you do go this week to get her microchipped you will still have to wait for the other owners to get their pups microchipped??

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But if your pup hasn't been microchipped then that means the other pups wouldn't be microchipped either, the breeder needs the microchip info for all the pups before she can register the litter so even if you do go this week to get her microchipped you will still have to wait for the other owners to get their pups microchipped??

Oh well heres hoping all the other owners do get their puppies microchipped!!! I am in touch with two other owners, out of 5. I know these two have or are getting their pups microchipped.

Im just going to stay concerned now! I can't help but feel like its all a little dodgy (and illegal) and this itself greatly disappoints and worries me.

I guess I will just give the breeder the benefit of the doubt for now and see what happens.

Buffy is here to stay no matter what...show dog or not, she was always going to be a pet first and she won our hearts on day one but considering I have paid about 200 more than the other owners with puppies on or to be on a limited registry (they inform me), I wanna make sure I get what I paid for.

Thanks everyone for all the information offered here.....am learning alot!

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I'd rather chip them while they're young rather than wait till they're older! I think the younger they are, the less of a deal they make of it.

Have to say I think it's a little dodgy to not chip the puppies prior to being sold. It's a simple procedure which the puppy is going to have to endure anyway, whether it be at 6wks or 12wks. Yes they may yelp when the needle goes in but generally 5mins later they've forgotten about it.

We see it a lot with BYB puppies - not chipped or vacc'd because the 'breeders' didn't want to spend the money and tell the buyers they'll sell them for $50 cheaper.

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The puppy does NOT have to be microchipped to be Dogs Qld registered. There is no rule in QLD requiring that.

Qld State government brought in rules that before rehoming a dog, it must be microchipped but there are plenty of simpathetic vets who also believe 6 weeks is too young to microchip.

The microchipping laws came in progressively in QLD but SE QLD has had it since 2009.

Existing pets older than 12 weeks when the microchipping laws are introduced do not have to be microchipped, although it is recommended.

There are three cases when microchipping your cat or dog is mandatory:

* if your cat or dog is under 12 weeks of age when the microchipping laws are introduced in your local council area

* if a cat or dog is being sold or given away

* if a dog is a declared regulated dog.

An authorised microchip implanter cannot microchip a cat or dog less than eight weeks old unless at least one of the following is met:

* the implanter has a reasonable excuse

* the implanter is a veterinary surgeon who considers implanting the microchip is not likely to be a serious risk to the health of the cat or dog

* there is a signed veterinary surgeon’s certificate for the cat or dog stating that implanting the microchip when it is less than eight weeks old is not likely to be a serious risk to the health of the cat or dog.

Queensland was previously the only jurisdiction (except the Northern Territory) without mandatory registration and identification of cats and dogs in place.

From here

Personally I would not be worried that the puppy was homed at 8 weeks without a microchip. But then again, I'm not exactly pro-microchipping.

Get the pup chipped when you can, let the breeder know the number so they can record it if neccessary.

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I bought Genevieve home when she was 8 weeks and she wasn't microchipped either. My breeder said that her vet didn't like doing it until they were under GA when being spayed.

I took her to my vet the very next day to be checked out, and he said the same thing! I put my foot down though and he did microchip her for me. But made sure he put the guilt trip on me first - even said I was a mean Mum!!!! (Don't use this vet anymore).

She yelped, but she was fine 30 seconds later. I spent a lot money to get her and to make sure she had everything she needed etc. I didn't want to risk losing her at puppy school (highly unlikely I know, but you never know!), her running off or being stolen. To me, it was the responsible thing to do. I would do it again if the pup came home not chipped.

Her registration papers have nothing written next to 'Microchip Number', as she was registered before I collected her and had her microchipped.

My local council requires dogs be registered (with the council) by the age of 3 months. Microchipping is compulsory and if they haven't been fixed, the registration fee is about 6 times the price!!!! They won't register a dog that hasn't been microchipped and if the dog isn't registered and is found.... you get fined I presume.

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