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I Feel Good Now Lol


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A friend on facebook asked me a few weeks back what i knew about beagles as they are thinking of getting one, I dont know alot about the breed but i know they are a hunting dog and heard they can become easily bored and distructive (as most breeds can) and being a hound i have heard they can be a lil dificult to train? but anyway i said make sure u do alot of research and be sure you pick a breed that is right for you, I refered him to this site :rofl: said to at least look through the forum and suggested he join that there is soooo many helpful ppl here and that maybe the beagle might not end up being the right choice but ppl here could help him make the right choice, I wasnt too sure how much he know about dogs in general or how to go about buying one so asked :dancingelephant: turns out he didnt know about puppy farms so i warned him about those also not to buy from a petshop either, mentioned rescue and if not rescue then to make sure the breeder was reg'd with reg'd dogs that have all appropriate health tests for the breed with certs to proove it, I know there is more i could of mentioned but i think i did a good job for only a 15min fb chat b4 he had to go. He was very interested and wants to make all the right choices and thought the idea of puppy farms was discusting, so hopefully we will have another member soon. Just wanted to share my good deed for the day :)

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Nice job, it feels good to help people out. :)

Yes, beagles can be hard to train.. Well my beagle x is. She is very stubborn, and gets bored with training easily. She's lazy though, and not really destructive. That only happens when she gets new toys. Nothing lasts at our house for very long. :rofl:

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