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Help! I Think Loki Has A Tick On His Tongue


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Is this possible?? He won't let me have a proper look at it, but it is small and round and quite firmly attatched to the groove down the centre of his tongue. I wasn't even aware that there was ticks in my area. He doesn't seem affected by it at all, he hoovered his breaky down and was as bouncy as ususal this morning, but I am not sure how long he has had it on there. I only noticed it this morning.

Any thoughts???? :(:swear:

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I hope he is ok :(

you might need two people , I wonder if it will work if one of you puts a wooden spoon handle across the back of his mouth , so he cant close it , so you can have a look ?

Have a pair of tweezers handy in case, don't know wether that will work but it's worth a try.

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We do have ticks in Canberra, but not paralysis ones, unless people have bought them back from the coast. Are you sure he hasn't suffered some trauma to the tongue? Reminds me of a racehorse that is running around somewhere, (possibly Qld), called "Ticklicker" :(

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Hi ezza. :swear:

I have a vague recollection that ticks should not be removed with tweezers because they break off and their heads are left behind.

I think there is a household solution like vinegar or salt needed to remove them.

You might need to do a search.


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  trifecta said:
We do have ticks in Canberra, but not paralysis ones, unless people have bought them back from the coast. Are you sure he hasn't suffered some trauma to the tongue? Reminds me of a racehorse that is running around somewhere, (possibly Qld), called "Ticklicker" :(

I was thinking the same thing... trauma

Maybe a blood blister ??

I wouldn't go pulling at it just in case

I don't think it's possible for a tick to latch onto the tongue, could be wrong

What colour is the lump ?

has it changed size/shape??

Paralysis ticks are grey and get larger as they gorge on blood

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It's jet black and about the size of one of those plastic pin heads, maybe a bit bigger. I have made an appointment with the vet this arvo, just to be sure.

how would it get in his mouth?!

With Loki anything is possible! The other day he had a bull ant stuck to his lip, and it took me ages to get him to hold still so I could get it off. He has a bad habit of sticking his nose into odd places. :(

I also thought it might be dirt or trauma to his tongue, from his sister, while they were playing, (she has broken his tail previously), but from the looks I got of it this morning, it looked bug like. I couldn't knock it off with my fingernail, which made me think it was a tick. I will have another look at it this evening, before I go to the vet. There is no way I can get Loki to hold still to get it off anyway, so if it is a tick the vet will have to do it.

Edited by Ezza
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Not all ticks are paralisys ticks.

Ticks that are not paralisis ticks can still transfer diseases.

There was an article in Dogs life - either last issue or one before - it explained difference between them.

If it is a paralisys tick one of the first signs is that the dogs voice changes - if you your dog can speak on command you can check how it barks or in fact is it able to bark at all.

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  Christina77 said:
Ticks can be removed by tweezers, even if part of it's head is left behind , it's not going to live.

Have removed many a tick this way , just get it right close to the skin and push downwards and towards you, it will come out in one piece.

I would love to do it myself, but he is a real pain in the ass to get hime to hold still. He hates having his mouth looked in. :p

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Vets do not recommend removing paralysis ticks that way as squeezing or damaging the head makes the insect inject a super load of venom into the animal...there are specially made tools that you use to take them off (available from your vet or some stockist - we have one in out first aid kit). If you don't have one you are better to spray or wipe the tick thoroughly with a pesticide/insecticide (obviously not in the case where it is in a mouth but on the skin). This will effectively kill the tick by the time you get to a vet and they can safely remove it.

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Well I got home form work yesterday arvo and looked in his mouth, and the damn thing was gone. So not only do I think I am really stupid, but I am pretty sure the dog thinks that too!

I have no idea what the hell was stuck to his tongue if it wasn't a tick. I was under the impression that ticks don't come off until they are huge and fat with blood. Please correct me if I am wrong. And whatever it was, was well and truly stuck on. :rolleyes:

But it can't have worried him too much, cause he was being a real loon on our walk this morning as per usual. :)

Thanks, for all the great help on this. I will know what to do in future if he actually gets a tick. :cheers:

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