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Update On Girl Who Threw Puppies Into The River

Miss BeRidgierent

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A BOSNIAN grandmother claims she rescued the puppies feared drowned after they were shown being hurled into a river by a teenager in footage posted online last week.

A video posted on YouTube of a girl in a hooded top throwing the six pups into the river shocked the world last week - but 75-year-old Ruza Pavlovic of Bugojno, Bosnia, claims she saved the weeks-old dogs from drowning.

The footage showed the girl picking the black and white dogs out of a plastic bucket one by one and throwing them through the air before yelling, “Woooo!”

Ms Pavlovic said she saw the puppies struggling to stay afloat in the water as she made her way to a potato field.

“I was with my brother in our fields," she said. "I heard a scream but did not know where it came from, because it is near a creek and the willows are thick.

"When I looked a little better, I saw the black dog trying to emerge from the water.”

She said she put the dogs in a wooden crate and took them home, adding that “they are all happy and healthy."

"My problem is that they need at least three liters of milk a day, and I live only on my small pension, but I do not have the heart to abandon them," Ms Pavlovic said.

Police reportedly tracked down the girl, who was filmed by an accomplice, and were questioning her parents.

Full Report Here!!

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