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Tough Soft* Toys For Heavy Chewers


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Kong Wubba!

Its for puppies but my older boy loves it and its the only toy he hasn't/ cant destroy :-D

Already been through two of those :) But thanks for the suggestions!

Our wubba has a hole in it, but its still very loved :grouphug:

Kyjen Bottle Buddies last a while here - they are a soft cover over a water bottle. No stuffing which is good.

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Kong Wubba!

Its for puppies but my older boy loves it and its the only toy he hasn't/ cant destroy :-D

Already been through two of those :grouphug: But thanks for the suggestions!

Ohhhhhh too bad! Guess there are dogs out there with stronger jaws then little banjie haha

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nothing lasts at our place :)

spent almost a $100 on toys 'tested on lions and tigers' and they were destroyed within an hour :cry:

The only things we still have in tact are :

Kongs, red and xtreme,

Everlasting fun ball (but we've only had that a month :grouphug:)

Everlasting Fire plug (as above)

Cuz toy

Dman Tug and ball, had that coming up 12 months now and both are still in one piece.

Everything else has died.. Our Kong Wubba lasted 5 months before they finally killed it.. I don't think our next one will last as long though :)

ETA - I've been banned from buying new toys because everything gets killed :D I did however buy another Cuz and another Wubba last week though :cry:

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Tuffies :)

starfish lasted around a day before all stuffing was removed but then for about 6 months Maggie had fun with it until it just had too be binned

she has had the Mega ring for almost 2 years now and apart from a bit of fraying it is in tact . Many a time it has been left outside in the rain :rolleyes:

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Anyone have any suggestions on tough toys (not too hard, she already loves her nylabones!) for a very strong chewer?

Yes I also say Tuffy Toys, been a dogsend at my place :rolleyes: ! Mine killed the Kong wubba in 15 minutes too :) but the 3 tuffy toys we have here have been with us for over a year. Highly recommend them. They are more expensive to buy but worth the money. :laugh:

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Cuz balls definitely! One of the few things my Lab hasn't managed to destroy to date - 4.5 years and still going strong!

The orange rubber Chuckit balls are also indestructible - we have about 5 of those, and they have withstood the crazy chewy Labrador onslaught x2 (and numerous foster pups of all shapes and sizes) - they are around $20 for 2, but well worth the money because you won't be replacing them unless they get lost...


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The only soft toy that survives here are home made "skinz" which are known as "road kill" in this house.

they are essentially stuff animals that have no stuffing! I just bought some fur material from fabric shop and sort of sketched out a flat animal figure and then cut out and sew around edges. He can pounce and chew on them, tug on them throw them in the air and death roll them and they are all still intact!

For non soft toys, blue kong, Cuz ball (but the feet get chewed off pretty quickly) tough by nature (same company as cuz ball) ruffian octopus (but his little legs are all gone!)

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