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Doggy Backpacks


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Is there anyone out there who has used a dog backpack before? If so, what brand did you get, what did you use it for, did it fit nicely (and what shape is your dog?), and would you recommend it?

I'm planning several multi day hikes in the bush over the coming summer & the malinois will be coming with me. Since I'll be carrying our tent, sleeping gear, navigation things, water, cooking gear & first aid kit, I've decided that if at all possible she can carry her own dog food! :) But I know how miserable it is to carry an ill-fitting pack, so I want to find her a pack that is comfortable & doesn't rub.

Please share your experiences if you've tried a doggy backpack out. :hug:

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I got dog backpacks for use as "energy expender" for some of the crazier dogs at daycare. I use them for dogs on the treadmill, and sometimes on walks.

Did a fair bit of research on various suppliers in a number of countries. Eventually settled for Wolf Packs in the US. Good value for money, depending on the exchange rate. Postage was not excessive. I splashed out on the expensive Banzai models for the small, medium and large sizes (thinking these would get the most use) and went with the cheaper Reflector for xSmall and XLarge.

To be honest, the Relector fits more dogs better than the Banzai. It fits more generally while the Banzai needs more fiddling to get a good fit. So save some money unless you want the extra features of the Banzai. If you were just using it on you own dog, you'd take some time adjusting the straps and bags for an exact custom fit and leave it at that.

Dogs who are extremely slim for their height and length can be harder to fit (thinking Malinois here!) and extremely hairy dogs (ie, Samoyeds). The heavy coat make the bag ride out, but the straps need to hug the body. So you put it on, cinch it up, wait, let it settle, then cinch it up again.

Very happy with the quality and durability of the bags I bought, but they are only a year old now.

Also have found a couple of dogs who absolutely hate wearing them, but most dogs easily accept them as part of the walking gear. Training good pack walking hasn't been an issue.

It might be worth finding some that you could try on your dog to see if various feature help or hurt the fit? Some fit further up the back then others. Not saying you have to buy one locally, but it would give you a better idea of what to buy.

Edited by Aussienot
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Yup, she's the humeral head OCD girl. She's recovering really well after the surgery 3 months ago, have taken her on some long onleash hikes recently with no sign of limping, but we don't get the final all clear until November.

After that, we can jump, run and play to our hearts content! According to our specialist, taking it easy won't extend the lifespan of the joint to any appreciable degree - there's nothing left in there to cause DJD - so from November onwards she can just be treated as a normal working dog. We're hoping to have a bash at agility & dryland mushing as well as our scentwork. :grouphug:

ETA - thanks Aussienot!

Edited by Staranais
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