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Boarding Contract Or Similar


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A breeder friend of mine has been asked to look after some of the pups she has bred over Christmas when they go on holidays to which she has happily agreed. She lives on a farm and so she is worried about liability of snake bites, injury etc. Just wondering if anyone has a contract or similar that I could show her so she can get an idea of what to put in it. Also she is unsure as to what she should charge, any ideas of prices would also be fantastic.

Any help would be greatly appreciated to give a base to start from.

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I board pups of mine on a regular basis and also a few ring ins.

I don't have a formal contract as such but we agree on a price per day and if they don't have pet insurance , what their max spend is if poo hits the fan, if they want me to treat whatever it is regardless and under what circumstances they'd like them PTS.

I'd suggest the breeder suggests to the owners that they take out pet insurance.

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As per above but I also get the owners to sign a form stating that the dog is in good health, due for Advantix/worming etc on such& such a date and details of their regular vet. Obviously CONTACT numbers are very important during their absence and I send them an email once a week with an update. :-)

I expect to be able to feed the same diet as my other dogs but if there are special diets required, this must be provided by the owner.

I also ask for the owners to provide fortnightly Advantix during the stay as I am in a high tick area.

Great idea to get them to take out pet insurance! :)

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