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High 10


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When he has his paw up in the air, move the treat/lure up above his nose, he should briefly lift the other paw off the ground in an effort to get to the treat. You can then clicker train for higher lifts of the second leg.

My puppy offered this behaviour to me quite naturally, but some dogs feel uncomfortable in this position (due to balance etc) and I wouldn't be pushing them to do it.

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I can't seem to get shake to move to high 5. I'd be interested in high 10 too..

For Elbie, I sat behind him and when my husband held his hand up, I guided Elbie's paw to do a high five. After a couple of times, he did it on his own.

It was easy to develop into a wave, too. I just faced Elbie, held my hand up in a wave position and he copied me. Then I gave it a name and a signal.

He does a beg and so if I hold both hands up before him, he will imitate me and do a high 10. Hope that helps!

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Yes like aussielover said when he breifly lifts his other paw. You just have to do things in "baby steps" to get the required behaviour. he eventually will lift his other paw higher for a high 10. just gotta keep working on it. change treats also make it interesting. Maybe teach him to put both paws on your forearm & eventually you won't need your arm they will do it on their own. My boy does it really well now. He looks like he's begging. Which he is anyway - he tells me it's dinner time. All my teachings are done at dinner times.

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